Oh no, there's no fixing it with her, lol. She doesn't mind going into pet stores and looking at them in the tanks, but she said she'd always be worried it would get loose or something. She is deeply terrified of them. We have harmless little garter snakes around here that I caught all the time as a kid and she was terrified of those too. Apparently I once came into the house with one to try to get her to look at it and not be afraid and she freaked out. I don't remember this, lol.

I think she'd honestly have to go to therapy to get over it, it's that bad. For instance, I'm scared of spiders, but I can still be in a room with them loose (as long as they are away from me, lol) and actually could probably keep a tarantula in the house as a pet and be fine. Her, she can't even see a snake outdoors without panicking.

She's not big on lizards, either. She's not afraid of my beardie per se, but she's definitely not going to be touching her anytime soon. She says her tail looks snake-like :rolleyes:

Oh dear. It's like my S.O. and spiders. Oof. Well I hope it doesn't last forever, irrational fears are some of the worst and hardest things to get rid of or at least calm down.

Well I just came in from checking the birds, got another goose egg from Sophie! She wasn't trying to sit on this one either which makes me think there's still more on the way. It's warming up in the kitchen right now, I'll wash, weigh, and label it in a couple hours.

I think I'll probably let the Brinsea alone with the temperature for now. It's still sitting at 100 degrees, which shouldn't be too bad (it's a half a degree over).

Also, while doing some research I keep hearing about Deworming your geese. I've never done that with any of my birds yet, do I need to worry about that now? Or should I worry about that later since (at least at the moment) all of the eggs are coming inside. Trying not to be too confused about this but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Also, while doing some research I keep hearing about Deworming your geese. I've never done that with any of my birds yet, do I need to worry about that now? Or should I worry about that later since (at least at the moment) all of the eggs are coming inside. Trying not to be too confused about this but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I do bi-yearly deworming for my birds. I use Safeguard, and the dose is .23 ml per pound given orally. If you're not seeing negative symptoms of worms, it's not something you absolutely have to do, I just like to do it as a preventative type thing :) Plus now that have emus I have to vaccinate my them bi-yearly anyway so I just do all the deworming for all my birds then too.
Ohhh okay. *phew* that makes me feel a lot better. I've never had any issues with anybody having any weird symptoms. I had a small coccidia 2 years ago when I first started but since they got over that they've been absolutely fine.

The only thing that I'm slightly worried about is the fact that her nest is right next to the feed bin in the corner of the big coop. I have most of my chickens and my ducks in there with those two because it's warmer for everyone if they stay in there during the winter. Once she gets all her eggs laid should I try to move her over to their "summer home?" or should I just pray Klaus doesn't try anything when I go to feed everyone?

(My feathered children are usually smart... and he's usually good about these things, I'm just only slightly concerned.)
Moving waterfowl seldom works well. I don't think you could really move a goose without her no longer sitting. I've never tried it, but I don't think it would go well. You'd probably have better luck just moving the feed bin, lol.
Yeeeaaahh I might just try moving the bin. Only problem is it's full of feed now! Ugh. I'll get the S.O. to give me a hand. I need more muscles! :gig

EDIT: Cleaned, Weighed, and Labeled today's egg! 176 grams (At first I was worried that it was a little small but after searching what average weight is I'm not worried anymore). Haven't stuck them in the incubator yet, mostly because I'm worried that I'll have too many eggs going at separate times due to how she's laying them.

I just hope she hurries up and lays the rest of them soon so I can figure out if she's going to sit on them or not. :th
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Okay so it's snowing like the Dickens and I still have yet to go outside and do my egg check for the day. Yesterday Sophie didn't lay a blessed thing, and I checked twice! I'm giving her today to lay and if I don't find anything the 4 eggs are going in the incubator tonight.

That being said. The temp is steady and the Brinsea is good and ready to go, I just need to know where I should keep the humidity. Everytime I check what it should be I'm getting different ranges. Either 45-55% or 50%+ I'm honestly not sure. I'm gonna do some more digging and see what I can come up with but if anyone knows where the humidity should be please let me know
Okay so it's snowing like the Dickens and I still have yet to go outside and do my egg check for the day. Yesterday Sophie didn't lay a blessed thing, and I checked twice! I'm giving her today to lay and if I don't find anything the 4 eggs are going in the incubator tonight.

That being said. The temp is steady and the Brinsea is good and ready to go, I just need to know where I should keep the humidity. Everytime I check what it should be I'm getting different ranges. Either 45-55% or 50%+ I'm honestly not sure. I'm gonna do some more digging and see what I can come up with but if anyone knows where the humidity should be please let me know

I do around 30%, but what works best for each location will vary :) Your best bet is going to be tracking the weight loss so you can see what's working as far as humidity goes and make adjustments as needed.
I do around 30%, but what works best for each location will vary :) Your best bet is going to be tracking the weight loss so you can see what's working as far as humidity goes and make adjustments as needed.

Okay! I'll start at 30% then! I'm assuming if the weight loss needs to be more the humidity will need to go up, right?

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