Gosling having fits, think it’s a leg injury or vit b deficiency, not sure anymore


7 Years
6 Years
Jan 12, 2017
East Central Florida
Hello all. Kind of in an emergency bind, not sure what to do but my ~2 week old baby Pilgrim gosling isnt doing well.
She’s been given pultry drench, vitamins including vit b3 (naicin) and water and food. She doesn’t want to eat much, she pretends she’s eating. She does drink tho. She is very tired, wakes up and is sometimes ok, but mostly wakes up and tries to get up, then goes into these fits. I’ll attach a video. She fits for about 1-5 minutes each time. She’s been like this all day, only. She was fine when she was out to bed at 9pm yesterday. I found her relatively immobile this morning, trying to walk but having a really hard time. She has unfortunately gotten worse even with the vitamins. I’m so lost. She my husband’s favorite because she’s cuddly and friendly. Her name is Bernadette.
Her sister is Laika and she is only a few days older but she’s triple the size of Bernadette. Was thinking she’s a runt, but now I’m thinking it has to be something else? Any help would be appreciated thank you.



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It’s possible she might be deficient in any of the other Bs, like thiamin, it can cause nuerological problems too.

If she doesn’t show improvement from added nutrients than it could be any of a number of issues, fungal, viral, or bacterial.
I have an adult who has similar symptoms, right now he’s being treated with Cipro “Baytril” and amoxicillin and he’s being tested for Asper for example.
I had a blue runner duckling that did the same thing and was also smaller and pretended to eat and drink, I researched and decided it was probably a bacterial infection and I went to my local tractor supply to ask what kind of antibiotics they might have for ducks and the lady there told me that the problem was not enough protein and I should feed duckling feed instead of chick starter (which I was adding brewers yeast to) So I switched to the duck feed But long story short my duckling died and I will never take advice from the TSC employees again even if they say they are highly knowledgeable , no. I think your baby might need some medicine, but I'm sorry I don't know what kind or where to get it, hoping someone else will be able to help more. I will pray for your sweet gosling <3
It’s possible she might be deficient in any of the other Bs, like thiamin, it can cause nuerological problems too.

If she doesn’t show improvement from added nutrients than it could be any of a number of issues, fungal, viral, or bacterial.
I have an adult who has similar symptoms, right now he’s being treated with Cipro “Baytril” and amoxicillin and he’s being tested for Asper for example.
Ok, thank you. She has a b complex I’m treating her with so hoping that helps
I had a blue runner duckling that did the same thing and was also smaller and pretended to eat and drink, I researched and decided it was probably a bacterial infection and I went to my local tractor supply to ask what kind of antibiotics they might have for ducks and the lady there told me that the problem was not enough protein and I should feed duckling feed instead of chick starter (which I was adding brewers yeast to) So I switched to the duck feed But long story short my duckling died and I will never take advice from the TSC employees again even if they say they are highly knowledgeable , no. I think your baby might need some medicine, but I'm sorry I don't know what kind or where to get it, hoping someone else will be able to help more. I will pray for your sweet gosling <3
Thank you so much for your prayers. She could use them! ❤️
Thank you so much for your prayers. She could use them! ❤️
If it helps try making her start into a really soupy mash, if she’s still drinking it might help her get at least some food. If refusing to eat persists you’ll have to tube feed her just to keep her alive but tube feeding is risky in an adult, a gosling would be more difficult.
Wanted to update. She’s in good spirits but her leg isn’t any better. She can’t put any weight on the one. So I made this sling for her. It looked great but she tries at every turn to get out of it and is successful in only flipping herself in an awkward position that is not beneficial for anything. So I ended up putting her inside the box and securing the food and water lower so she can’t knock them over when she has her fits
Bernadette started having seizuresAbout one every 30-60 seconds. It’s gotten bad, I want to help her end her misery but I don’t know if I have the heart to do that. I think the end is near 😭😖
If you decide to tube feed try getting a kit for kittens, that size will work for a gosling, something like this https://lifelinepetsupplies.com/pro...et Supplies 10Fr Red Tube Feeding Kit | $6.75

And some good formula, something really high in protein like Harrison’s recovery formula, or if you can find this https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/encore-avian-gro-rite-for-chickens-2-lb-54010?cm_vc=-10011 It has a pretty high protein content, but it has to be soaked for awhile before it will dissolve enough to fit through a tube.

If you have to tube feed, it helps if you shake the tube a little while you’re suctioning up the formula, try to make sure there aren’t any major bubbles.

You have to make sure the tube is inserted down the goslings right side, never the left or you’ll fill the lungs, you’ll see the tube bulge going down the throat from the outside, and it’s easier if the neck is straight.

An adult from what I’ve found should be fed around every 2 - 2 and 1/2 hours, I’m not sure if gosling empty their stomachs in the same time or how much formula they should take so you may have to do some guesswork there.

The main thing to keep in mind though, feeding will give her strength, but it won’t correct the underlying issue, so a vet would be the best person to sort this out if it’s at all an option, they will have a better idea of how much to feed too.

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