Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Two new goslings today! Okay, master sexers, let's see you put your money where your mouths are! I know what gender they are. So let's hear your guesses and see who's right!



I'm also getting worried about the late gosling from before. Still no hatching action, but he does look like he has a lot of blood left to go. He's not stuck either; I checked the membrane and there's no shrink wrapping going on. I sure hope he's okay and not malformed or something :/

Ok. Let's put my 6 weeks of Goose keeping experience to the test! :lol: I think the top is male and the bottom one is female. I've just got a feeling!

I hope you other one is ok. They hurry for no one! My 2nd gosling took her time.
My babies are growing in the eggs strong and wiggly. There is one that is strong but im worried about it. There is something not quite right and its hard to explain. Kind of like there is a pocket of air between it and the shell but its not the air cell. It makes it hard for me to see him when i candle. I can see movement though but not like i can with the others, however he is an active little fellow.
Any ideas?
Two new goslings today! Okay, master sexers, let's see you put your money where your mouths are! I know what gender they are. So let's hear your guesses and see who's right!

I'm also getting worried about the late gosling from before. Still no hatching action, but he does look like he has a lot of blood left to go. He's not stuck either; I checked the membrane and there's no shrink wrapping going on. I sure hope he's okay and not malformed or something
Top one boy...something about the face. Can´t see the other one´s face, but it seems smaller, so I go for a girl.
OK everyone I need help. My american buff goose laid her eggs outside next to the house. She built a nest, and has 4 eggs. So far she his not sat on them. What do I do? The weather is rally cold out and I don't have an incubator. Should. Take one of the eggs and crack it to see if its fertile? I'm scared if they are they will die. Please help
If the temperature is above freezing, they´ll be fine. she´ll go broody when she´s ready. Best to leave alone, I´d say.

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