*Got One* Starter incubator

Celtic Hill

9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Scotland CT
What is a good Starter incubator, something on the smaller side easy to use, inexpensive like less then $100? I thought it would be nice each year instead of buying new chicks to get an incubator and just do that, i would really only want 3-4 chicks each year. Just a thought i had, I know McMurray has the little dome one with the yellow bottom but that seems really basic. Any thoughts/suggestions?
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I have been thinking about trying to hatch some eggs too. Love to get some ideas on choosing an incubator.
we got the Little Giant incubator from Tractor Supply and bought the egg turnner also,both for around $85.00 total.and just had our first chick hatch at 4:00 this afternoon!
Easy is a relative term. You still have to know what you are doing.
I have a lot of LG's that some people say is hard to use but, get
great hatches once I figured out the quirks of the incubator itself.
(insulation tape between top and bottom halves, placement)

The easiest under 100.00 for such small batches is a broody hen.
I've got one of those going too. I have to check her nest once per
day to make sure the other hens haven't put in an extra. She is
truly a set it and forget it model.
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I haven't used one yet, but if you can't get the hen I would vote for the Brinsea Mini Eco. From what I have read and heard everyone that has one likes it. Heck, I like it and I don't even have one...yet.
I built my own after joining BYC because I couldn't bring myself to spend the money and I decided I wanted to hatch some eggs. I only had to buy the thermostat and the light kit. Everything else was stuff lying around. I have to hand turn but it's been a lot of fun for me and my kids. Even my DH helps turn the eggs too.

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