Gramcracker's coop.

Too much time today spent at the home improvement store and several trips to Ace Hardware. No 10 foot plywood so will have to cut a 2 foot piece, will use the extra for my shed that I need to build. One 4x8 roof sheet painted with 2 coats of primer and hauled to the back and sitting on top of the frame. The hinges are anchored to the doors and window covers. I have a solution for the latches. Difficult to find coon proof items.

Was about to start painting the next 4x8 sheet and the playground when the weather sirens started going off. We have 2 levels of sirens. One for super severe and the other is closing the area playgrounds and parks. My yard backs onto one of the big city parks. So haul all the stuff into the garage.

Well the storm went just North of me and we had sprinkles, I always figure it is better to be safe. It will be dark soon so no sense in hauling everything back out. Time for some dinner.

Tomorrow will be securing the coop roof , painting and the windows and door security as a priority. I really need to move the chicks to at least into the coop, they need more space. I can work on the run after that.

I really want to have it all done but I've learned baby steps lead to completion. I wish I hadn't lost progress on Wed. with the weather and me not feeling very good.
Hope you are all better. I have been fighting the weather all day. It is a losing battle.i need to get the door built for the back and hang the front door. The flooring needs to be installed and the divider put in hope we can get some cool, dry air for a change. This hot and humid is killing me. Hope you can finish your coop soon. I need to get my guineas in a bigger place too.
Hope you are all better. I have been fighting the weather all day. It is a losing battle.i need to get the door built for the back and hang the front door. The flooring needs to be installed and the divider put in hope we can get some cool, dry air for a change. This hot and humid is killing me. Hope you can finish your coop soon. I need to get my guineas in a bigger place too.

Hope your weather co-operates. I've had pretty good luck this week. The hot and humid gets me also. With all this unusual rain it's like a steam bath in the yard. Sounds like you are also getting close to finished.
I did the same thing. My coop was ready but the run wasn't quite done when I moved them in. They'll be happy with more space while you get the run done.

My first flock(mostly adult birds) went into the coop while I finished the run.
Kinda gave me an incentive to get 'er done.

I'm hoping to get the coop secured by the end of the day. 1st job is painting the inside, that way it will have time to air out. I decided to do that before securing the roof as last night trying to straighten it I kept bumping my head. I would love to get the chicks moved to their new home tomorrow.

They are mostly feathered out, they have been off the heat lamp for several days full time, and it is warmer outside than my ac in the basement. Will need to do a quick run to TSC for a larger waterer. They don't have much for feeders so will work on that for later. Chick feeder will do for a few more days.
The coop is not yet secured, everything just seems to take so much time. 1 door is in, it took some adapting as it wasn't working as I pictured with the hinges I bought; I'm sure the clean out door will also need some tweaking. 2 windows are screened with hardware cloth, the rest of the roof is painted, the inside of the coop is painted, the pop door is in. Now to figure out how to screen between rafters.

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