Grand baby Lilly just got out of the hospital


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
kountze texas
she went in monday night with jaundice... her score was 17.. she got released today. but before she was released her doctor noticed a heart murmur. she had to have an ultrasound before she left. she has to follow up with a cardiologist in 4 weeks
Prayers for her health

2 of my girls had murmurs, and 1 had an irregular heartbeat. I was told with all 3 it's very common and usually they will outgrow them and they never cause any problems. I hope this is also the case for Lilly.
Jaundice is easily cured and I'm honestly surprised they admitted her with a score of 17. My daughter went home from the hospital at 2 days old with a jaundice score of 19 and was readmitted with a score of 54 two days later. It was the highest score they had ever seen at the hospital. Lights for two days and she was much, much better!

Sending prayers!
You probably haven't seen me around, but I have seen a lot of your threads about your family and wanted to send some extra
thank you. I am not super worried about the murmur... they scared me at the hospital when they thought they were going to keep her for the mur mur. the ultrasound came back that it was a small murmur... I believe they admitted Lilly for the Joundice because the cause of it was very large amount of bruising from being in the birth canal... when she left the hospital sat it was 8.7 and monday night it was already 17... they sent her home at 11.2 with orders to take her out in the sunlight some everyday.

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