grannys gone and done it

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I heard that Joey or rory and joey passed away yesterday or was it friday now     She had some type of cancer.  .
I hate to hear this.

I have no idea if there is such a thing as a no 3 gauge needle   and not sure who's horn I ripped off either. or who was the mama of the little yak

Omg I missed it. We got baby yaks now?

You missed the marriage proposal Mutt.   :eek:
I missed everything darn it. Did twist propose to Bert? I know Bert turned him down lol.

Or could have been because I forgot that part of my bedtime prayer's.     I get some doozies occasionally    

One time was dreaming some one was choking me woke up to my top sheet wrapped around my neck (like a scarf) and me pulling on both ends.


Did I tell you all that Earlene got into the nursing home.   And before her daughter had even finished the admitting paper work.  The home had revolked Earlene's driving provledges in her electric wheelchair until she could pass a driving test   :lau     WHY  because she  had already almost driven over 3 people and did drive into a wall and then backed into another.     And everyone who know's her is NOT surprised one bit by the home doing that  
I went in my grandmas house once to find her knocking the crap outta the wood stove with furniture all around in different places. Asked her what she was running over everything for and knocking holes in the walls? She said she was rearranging furniture lol. God I miss that woman.

Wow, you guys sure zing around on topics!  Dream interpretation, proposals, polygamy, and enough innuendo to make a hooker blush. Only on granny's thread!  :hugs

Nope, I was a young adult, early 20's. My father hated that I didn't want to be his princess. He called me a f'ing redneck when I bought my horse and traded in my vette for a bronco. I know where the dream came from, but it terrorized me for years. It took counseling and drugs to make it go away.  
sounds like you had a father of the year like mine. :hugs

hey hun, He was a control freak but he cared. Mine cared less.   they are good at screwing our lives up when they are not up with thinks like they should be but we all make mistakes . It wasnt you.
is it just me or does it seem like a lot of us on here have screwed up dad's?
Good morning, @campingshaws !

Well, already been to town and back - the brooder is empty.........nice guy and he was tickled pink with the leghorns, I hated to let them go because they were already growing into so nice little birds, but feel great about both the places (besides Granny) that this batch of chicks ended up if they can't be in my own flock. So, now to clean out the brooder/bathtub and reclaim the bathroom from the chicken dust for the last time. First, though, have to dedicate the next 45-60 minutes to completing an online assessment for a job lead.......beginning to wonder what I'm getting myself into that takes that long, lol.

Hey, @granny hatchet - how's the fish tank coming along?
Hi red! They're good. Too many for the cooler brooder so I'm going to be moving them out today. I'm hoping to integrate them with the older (10 day old) honas.
I hope they get along. I've found out even though my silkie is a roo, he gets along great with any chickens he's around. Even baby chicks. He wants to be a mama so bad he's thinking about going Bruce Jenner lol.
you gonna fart on me ?   :lau   I have raised children, remember ? hahahaa    Its physically impossible to fart when you are getting your butt whopped because its clenched tighter then a jar of sour pickles.

I hope they get along. I've found out even though my silkie is a roo, he gets along great with any chickens he's around. Even baby chicks. He wants to be a mama so bad he's thinking about going Bruce Jenner lol.

hey Red finally got me some are right they are so friendly..
hey Red finally got me some are right they are so friendly..
That's great danna. I only have the one and three mixed chicks but if they are all as sweet as my roo, imma have to get more. He don't mess with hens , roos, or baby chicks. He's walks up to them and talks. I hate it because they all mostly pic on him. Sweetest chicken I've ever seen.
That's great danna. I only have the one and three mixed chicks but if they are all as sweet as my roo, imma have to get more. He don't mess with hens , roos, or baby chicks. He's walks up to them and talks. I hate it because they all mostly pic on him. Sweetest chicken I've ever seen.

DH is working on a coop for them this morning.i told him he had a month or i would just keep them in the house..
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