Feedback Greeters... SO PROUD!!


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
I just want to say how crazy proud / happy I am to go to the new-member introduction section and see every single introduction (even when sorting by start-date) has a bunch of replies!

This may not seem like a big deal, but feeling welcome when joining a new group makes ALL the difference in the world!

Thanks to all those that help welcome our new members, especially those that reply with custom messages and questions!!!

:frowHi Nifty,

I’d like to see a question about the geographic location of the new member right off the bat.

If it would be rude to ask:

Dude/Dudette! Where you at?

You could say something like:

What challenges do you anticipate in providing protection from the type of weather your geographical location poses?

Some people mention it in their introduction.
I can understand that for certain situations, or in the case of a youngster signing on as a member, a location may not be something they (or their parents) want to share.
Having said that, especially in the case of a new /newish member who is suddenly facing the stress of a timely emergency, there are many times when already having that info would be helpful.

I think a lot of the daily users here, even if they don’t post a hello, maybe because they see there’s already three pages of greetings, (that would be me sometimes when I’m dashing out the door :oops:)
at least read the new member’s post.
Narrative details like that, tend to stick comprehensively and that might be helpful down the line.

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