Ground Hog's Day Hatch

Gotta get a third one to break the tie!!

I've got 6, makes the random spikes that one will read while the rest read normal a little less stressful.

After candling I've got:
Bantam Mille Fleur Cochins (6). All good
EE's (10) -3 clear
English Orpingtons (12) 9 clear. :(
White Leghorn/Barred Holland Cross (2). - 1 was waving! I am naming her smarty pants.

So I'm left with 18, although I won't remove clears until lockdown, unless something is stinky.

And in other news, my rooster 'Bob' came after me today! Left a bruise. I am shocked and dismayed. I scooped his dumb butt up and walked around with him in my arms doing chores and feeding the ladies, mocking him all the while. Ie: 'see ladies, Bob's in trouble, I AM the Boss of him' and so on. He's always been so good, chasing the kids off - but never hurting anyone. Well okay, once he bit my MIL, but I attribute that to a keen sense of character - he's very smart. And sensitive. ;)
After candling I've got:
Bantam Mille Fleur Cochins (6). All good
EE's (10) -3 clear
English Orpingtons (12) 9 clear.

White Leghorn/Barred Holland Cross (2). - 1 was waving! I am naming her smarty pants.
So I'm left with 18, although I won't remove clears until lockdown, unless something is stinky.
And in other news, my rooster 'Bob' came after me today! Left a bruise. I am shocked and dismayed. I scooped his dumb butt up and walked around with him in my arms doing chores and feeding the ladies, mocking him all the while. Ie: 'see ladies, Bob's in trouble, I AM the Boss of him' and so on. He's always been so good, chasing the kids off - but never hurting anyone. Well okay, once he bit my MIL, but I attribute that to a keen sense of character - he's very smart. And sensitive.

Never trust a Roo.. After all, he's a male, and we all know how unstable us males are... lol
So here's what I got.
8 OEG banty eggs -5 not developing
1 buff banty cochin - no development, was really hoping this one was fertile.
4 BLRW good so far
3 ameraucanas good so far
started with 16, down to 10
I'll check the quail eggs this weekend.
Candled again this evening.... even though I really have no idea what I'm looking for

Looks like fairly bad news... but hey it is a learning curve :)

Duck eggs - out of 7 eggs.... only 2 are looking like viable prospects now. Both have little babies moving around happily inside!

Guinea Fowl eggs - I removed 5 the other day that were clear. One looked like it may have been fertile but I scrambled the other yolks trying to crack them so I couldn't really tell! I think the rest are also duds. They were probably 2 weeks old + before I put them in... so I wasn't really expecting anything anyway. I haven't removed them yet... but will do so before lockdown (which is still 11 days away for me!)

Now it's just a matter of trying to keep the 2 duckies going... Keep your fingers crossed for me!
I'll keep my fingers crossed, TinaK. How to crack a guinea egg without much damage: hold it a couple feet above a dresser or wooden or tile counter and just drop it. Works great, believe it or not. It's been a couple years since I've hatched guineas, and their shells are a bit dark(I think) so i'd give em a bit longer and they take 28 days, after all. And good luck with your 2 duckies,tho I bet you'll only hatch one. It ALWAYS happends to me when I set less than 5 eggs.

On my eggs, I set 32 eggs after the deadline, Saturday the 14th, and 25 are lookin' good! I set quail eggs that day too, so I'm running a stunted hatch, or whatever it's called. I had lotsa temp spikes, but I think it's finally stable now~!

And I'm doing the VTD hatch in thesame incubator, with 45 LF eggs.

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