Ground Hog's Day Hatch

Go ahead and raise it at lockdown to at least 67% for those three days. As soon as the Buff chicks are out, run it back to 30% until the others are ready to lockdown and then run it back up to 67% to 70% for the Lav Orps. Good luck...

... and get another incubator for those staggared hatches!

Thanks, Mahonri! I don't plan on any more staggered hatches...I should have researched more BEFORE I started up the incubator
Thanks TinaK! I don't have a computer, so I post EVERYTHING I do from my cell phone. It is a pain coz I never have signal, but when I do figure thing out I'm like, "Woo-hoo! Learned something new today." And thanks to you, I can post stuff on the computers at school~ thank youuuu~~~! And you aided Blarneyeggs as well~

I'll eventually get it right, I know. And I will be like, "Wow... just HOW id I not understand that before!?"

~ DaRkNeSs InSaNiTy~
I'm glad I helped some ppl to post pics! My good deed for the day
and HOW exciting that some of you are going into lockdown! We will have pictures of new babies up before we know it!!!!!! I don't go into lockdown until after groundhog day with my duck eggs... so I'll be waiting for all of your happy hatch updates!

I have a suspicious looking egg in the bator.

kellyn - your bator looks great! Looking forward to your update on how it is working! My home made cooler bator (plastic coated type) is doing quite well. I think my temps may be up a little today just looking at it now... so I'll have to keep my eye on it for a bit... but otherwise it seems to be easy to regulate the humidity and to maintain constant levels... so I am hopeful I may one day get something to hatch
Well, the brooder is all set up for my Ground Hog's Day Hatch. I'll be doing final candle tomorrow and 'lockdown' for a late Wed.... early Thurs hatch. My little featherless chick died today... guess there was something wrong with it. It was doing great until today and then just up and died.

So, I have 18 hens. Four seven week old chicks... I'm thinking 1 roo, 3 pullets... a pair of Red or speckled Sussex, a buff sussex and a black sumatra with a little do on top.

I also have 23, 4 week old chicks. 1 lavender AM, 1 BLUE WHEATEN ROO, 3 EEs (all roos it looks like), 2 Olive eggers. (1 roo, 1 pullet),
2 SFHs, 3 FBCMs and 11 Icelandics of which at least 4 are roos that I can tell now.
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Immmm sooo haaappyyyy~~~! I just candled my GHD eggs and a couple pf my crap eggs turned GOOOD again~~~!!! Surprise, surprise bc I haven't turned or eve looked at my 'duds' for about 6 days...

My HM incubator is 10 degrees too hot.. I'll have to drill more 1" holes into it.

And sad to say... my valentines day hatch id been looking forward to aren't doing too good... LOTS of dead cells, a few infertilities(too many hens w/ too little roosters). I think my temps may have spiked... but then wouldn't my GHD hatch have died? It's really too early, and the ones i'd laid down at the bottom(which will b my hatching tray) are good... what the flip-stix?

Just 6 days left b4 my (late) GHD chicks hatch~ I haven't scrapped any in a week~ I think I have 23 or 24/32 that are still good. My record for he last 3 years if they all hatch~~~!

Just a quick Q... let's say if you had chickens for several years and lived near a vacant lot. Some critchy people moved in an constantly griped about your roosters, every single day. And your allowed to have any kind of whatever u wat, as long as they're healthy and cared for.

Wha would u do?

A: tell them to get a life and bug off.
B: get rid of your roosters to please your deveish neighbors whom you detest.
C: join in on the fun your roos are having and start a crowin' too.
D: something else.

I, personally, would join the roosters and start crowing until the annoying jerks moved away. Did that several times to my grandma's neighbors. To this day, the record of ppl livi.g there was like 6 months~~~!!! I would make a reeeeally mean politician! Vote for meeee~!

~JuSt JoKiNg PpLz~
Immmm sooo haaappyyyy~~~! I just candled my GHD eggs and a couple pf my crap eggs turned GOOOD again~~~!!! Surprise, surprise bc I haven't turned or eve looked at my 'duds' for about 6 days...

My HM incubator is 10 degrees too hot.. I'll have to drill more 1" holes into it.

And sad to say... my valentines day hatch id been looking forward to aren't doing too good... LOTS of dead cells, a few infertilities(too many hens w/ too little roosters). I think my temps may have spiked... but then wouldn't my GHD hatch have died? It's really too early, and the ones i'd laid down at the bottom(which will b my hatching tray) are good... what the flip-stix?

Just 6 days left b4 my (late) GHD chicks hatch~ I haven't scrapped any in a week~ I think I have 23 or 24/32 that are still good. My record for he last 3 years if they all hatch~~~!

Just a quick Q... let's say if you had chickens for several years and lived near a vacant lot. Some critchy people moved in an constantly griped about your roosters, every single day. And your allowed to have any kind of whatever u wat, as long as they're healthy and cared for.

Wha would u do?

A: tell them to get a life and bug off.
B: get rid of your roosters to please your deveish neighbors whom you detest.
C: join in on the fun your roos are having and start a crowin' too.
D: something else.

I, personally, would join the roosters and start crowing until the annoying jerks moved away. Did that several times to my grandma's neighbors. To this day, the record of ppl livi.g there was like 6 months~~~!!! I would make a reeeeally mean politician! Vote for meeee~!

~JuSt JoKiNg PpLz~

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