Ground Hog's Day Hatch

Pics of my GHD hatch chicks...

Sorry it looks so messy, I just changed the paper an hour earlier! Aren't they adorable. I just LOVE them!!

I gotta get one of those ecoglow things. Do you like it? Isn't it sorta "short?" Do they duck down to get under it?

It has three heights. When they are new born, it's almost not low enough. As they grow you make it higher.

BUT GET THE LARGE... the one I got is the 20, GET THE 50... I wish I would have... I'll still probably buy the 50 next year.
Went and got my Delaware chick some friend today! :) Talking with the guy I got eggs from- I think we had a major air circulation problem in the incubator and we are fixing this/modifying now for next go. As for the chick- it is smaller then the others (hatched same day) but drinking on its own and seems fairly fiesty. 2 curled toes on one foot have been giving it trouble but I just put it in a splint. :)


Tank my 1st born biggest healthiest linebacker black Orpington chick squirted clear liquid not sure out of where.... Looked like he was choking rolled on his back and continued to gasp for air. I thought he was a goner.

I picked him up and held him in my hand for a long long time .... He is breathing but not active at all
i gave him a few drops of baby vitamins and water with electrolytes.
His eyes aren't open and I put him back in the bator to keep him cozy.

Any thoughts? What could have cause this?? This was my healthiest chick by far!!!
I just stand and stare at the incubator watching him breath.

Can I do anything else to help him???
I did the same thing with two of my NYD Hatch chicks.... they both passed. I wondered if they hadn't swallowed some pine chips... it was the only thing I could think of.
I just have them on papertowels .......
Poor Tank. I just made him drink sugar water....
RareBreedFancier - I was 100% sure that the eggs I removed were no good. I was more worried about eggs bursting or doing something odd. I took an egg out the other day & cracked it open... It was full of bacterial stuff and no embryo. I should have photographed it. It was creamy yellowish with darker orange blotches. Gross.
A lot of those I removed looked similar to this one when candled. They have never looked anything like the ones that have development;... nice since day 10 or so.

Thanks for the luck.. I think I need it!
Ah ok, I read it as you weren't sure if they were no good. I certainly understand tossing possible egg bombs, I've never had one blow but I've had a weeper and that was quite bad enough! :sick My eggies are still going strong so I'm hoping you have ducklings very soon. :fl My chicklets are doing well, the broody is doing a good job with her two and the one who was pecked while still in the egg is happy in the brooder. It's wing is almost in a normal position now and is healing up. :)
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I lockdown in about 3 hours. I keep staring into the bator just wishing and willing something... anything to happen! I want to see something that bad that even if an egg did move.... I'd be sure I imagined it!

If I only get just one duckling... I'll be the proudest ducky mum around! Sheesh.... if anything even pips I think I'll have a party!

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