Guinea pig thread


Herding cats
Jan 19, 2021
This thread is for talking about anything to do with guinea pigs. getting of topic a bit is fine, please just don’t get too of topic

I breed and show Rex and Longhaired guinea pigs. I have 13 at the moment (not including the 2 baby merinos) 4 Abyssinians, 3 Rex crosses, 3 Rex, 1 smooth coated chocolate pointed cream Californian, 2 merinos and 2 baby merinos
1-2 day old merinos
Slate coloured male



Lemon agouti ( I am not sure it is lemon) Female


Kajima mother of the little Merinos. She hates being groomed, not really much a fan of being stroked. Other guinea pigs don’t really like her much, she isn’t the friendliest to them


Wendlebury (wendle) Father of the little Merinos. He is quite friendly to both guinea pigs and people.He is great with young males, he will put them in there place but not bully or hurt them. He also hates grooming



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Durban Rex cross. Rustenberg and Runt puppets sister. Not much to say about her she is a bit like her mother so a bit of a lump. Doesn’t have very good pig social skills, a tiny bit of a bully but more likely to get bullied instead of bullying. Friendly to people

Rustenberg. Durban and Runt puppets sister. Squeals when ever she thinks another pig is looking at her wether the actually are or not, they just need to point there face in her direction. A lump like her mother and siblings. Terrible pig social skills, gets bullied very easily bullied. friendly to people


Runt puppet. Durban and Rustenbergs sister. Like her name suggests she was the runt of the litter. She hates Rustenberg, she will just bite her for no reason. A bit more adventures then her sister and mother still a bit of a lump. More of a bully then Durban bit still gets bullied easily. Bad pig social skills. Friendly to people


Butternut (the nut, nutbutter, nut) mother of Durban, Rustenberg and Runt puppet. Hates all other female pigs she will just sit in a corner and puff up at them. A lump doesn’t really go anywhere. The worst pig social skills. Really likes being stroked

Gobi Rex. Very skittish even though he has been handle ever day all most since birth. He is huge. Loves getting scratched under his chin.

Sonora Rex Gobi’s mother. Very Skittish. Likes other pigs, good pig social skills. Best friends with Cream

Cream Rex. A bully, bullies any pig she can and will fight most of the ones she can’t. Seems to be less of a bully when with Sonora. Best friends with Sonora


I used to have two more Rex Denver and Sparkle but they unfortunately past away a few months ago. Denver is father to Gobi, Durban, Rustenberg and Runt puppet. Unfortunately I never mannaged to get any offspring from Sparkle
Oh my gosh your guinea pigs are adorable! How cool that you breed and show them. :) My sister had 2 pet piggies a few years ago, I can't quite remember what their breeds were but one was a tricolor short hair called Snickers and the other was fluffy/curly hair named Pixie. I should find some pics, they were so fun and cute.

Sadly they died a few years ago, but they made great little pets. Looking at your cute pigs makes me think about getting more at some point in the future, but I dunno. I'm more of a rabbit person. Do you have a favorite guinea pig out of all of yours? (hopefully you didn't mention that somewhere lol)
Santiago (Santi) Abyssinian Kazan and Nizhny’s father. Very friendly, not too into being stroked but will come see what you are doing. Loves all other pigs, too much for most pigs tastes. Very active and opinionated

Kazan (mini Santi) Abyssinian Nizhny’s brother. Annoying. Grunts like a rabbit when he does not like something. Does not like being touched except under his chin. Active and opinionated


Albany Abyssinian mother to Kazan and Nizhny. Likes being stroked. Very motherly to other pigs. Seems to have cataracts she has been more skittish since they have appeared


Nizhny (mini Albany) Abyssinian Kazan’s sister. Friendly like Albany. More active and opinionated then Albany. Likes other pigs, she will sleep squeezed up against other pigs. Very good pig social skills

Oh my gosh your guinea pigs are adorable! How cool that you breed and show them. :) My sister had 2 pet piggies a few years ago, I can't quite remember what their breeds were but one was a tricolor short hair called Snickers and the other was fluffy/curly hair named Pixie. I should find some pics, they were so fun and cute.

Sadly they died a few years ago, but they made great little pets. Looking at your cute pigs makes me think about getting more at some point in the future, but I dunno. I'm more of a rabbit person. Do you have a favorite guinea pig out of all of yours? (hopefully you didn't mention that somewhere lol)
Sorry to hear about the guinea pigs :hugs. You definitely need to get some more:D.
Not sure I have one favourite any more it used to be Sparkle, but I have ones I like more then others. My favourites are
Runt puppet
And the little agouti Merino
The little Merinos have mites :th. None of the stuff to get rid of mites that I know of can be used on such young pigs. I am going to bath them and see if that helps, anyone have any ideas of what I could do?

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