Guinea pigs!!

It is STRONGLY advised that you not rehome them until 6-8 weeks. This is different than separating the baby boars from mom and sisters. Rehoming is too stressful before 6 weeks minimum.
I do of course mean the mother too, not removing the babies from her at any stage
Not sure if I made that clear in my last post- it would be moving her, her babies, and the second adult piggy
I've seen people move/rescue mothers and babies before 6 weeks, but I have concerns about moving them too soon. The owner would like them rehomed soon, and doesn't know how to look after them
In that case, take them now (it sounds like she has 1-2 weeks before delivering), or just give her a few days after delivering.
Mom will take care of everything food wise. Timothy hay isn’t necessary, nor any special diet other than ensuring enough calories for a few weeks. Extra pellets or greens will handle that. Babies eat food after a few days, and Mom will introduce them to the water bottle. Babies learn to wheek for veggies quickly, and will become very demanding. 😆😆
In that case, take them now (it sounds like she has 1-2 weeks before delivering), or just give her a few days after delivering.
Mom will take care of everything food wise. Timothy hay isn’t necessary, nor any special diet other than ensuring enough calories for a few weeks. Extra pellets or greens will handle that. Babies eat food after a few days, and Mom will introduce them to the water bottle. Babies learn to wheek for veggies quickly, and will become very demanding. 😆😆
I can imagine!
My partner will be looking after them for the most part as we don't live together, and wont for a couple months give or take. But I'll be doing allll the instructions. I have quite a few planned 😂
Whether or not we will keep any babies, is yet to be decided. But we likely will, even if there are boys to house separately...

My partner lives about an hour from them, so they will have to tolerate the car trip, so I do want to give her a few days after the birth before we try that, I have my worries about mama's wellbeing. I'll also try to make it less stressful, familiar bedding, make them feel hidden, keep it quiet for them, etc.
This is all if she is even pregnant. There's a chance she might not be, but she is displaying symptoms so we are assuming the seller is correct. We'll see. If there's no babies by the 9th, we can assume the companion piggy is secretly a boy and that the pregnancy is less far along than thought
I've been informed that the suspected pregnant guinea pig is sitting/laying, not too active right now, and is making little cough like sounds, seeming a bit uncomfortable.
From what I've heard, that sound could be being made due to contractions? If the dates are correct, then she ought to have had her babies by tomorrow afternoon.
The owner believes she's in labour, so we are waiting with our fingers crossed that she'll be okay
Another update for y'all, there was no delivery today, but a vet actually went to check on her due to her seeming uncomfortable, and confirmed she's definitely about to pop, he checked her pelvis which has opened, and he believes she's actually holding on until tonight.
He even thinks she may have 3, 4 or more :eek:
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Another update for y'all, there was no delivery today, but a vet actually went to check on her due to her seeming uncomfortable, and confirmed she's definitely about to pop, he checked her pelvis which has opened, and he believes she's actually holding on until tonight.
He even thinks she may have 3, 4 or more :eek:
good luck to the new mama! both of my girls had babies shortly after being rescued
Still no babies! :caf
The seller got her to a vet after fearing she was overdue the babies- the vet confirmed she is pregnant, but not due yet. So it is looking like the other piggy is a boy after all!
My partner is picking them up now :woot
They'll be in separate enclosures until we can confirm the sex of the second piggy. If male, we'll get him neaturered and hopefully their bond will remain and they'll be able to be back together once the babies are old enough and sexed. Meanwhile they will be bar buddies, so not far from eachother. If they turn out to somehow be female, we'll put them back together a little sooner. Theres a chance it isnt a boy, as the dates could have beem wrong this whole time. We'll see. They have lots of enrichment, lots of space, comfy hides... Basically a whole piggy palace. And the preg female's enclosure is totally baby proofed just because we don't know when she'll have them for sure, the vet thinks it's soon.
We are told that she has a little hair loss and could have mites- so we'll check that out and figure out the cause asap. For now it's nice enclosures and good food...

Question though, how likely is it that two vets have felt her abdomen and said she's pregnant, and are wrong? Because this is the feedback, but they've not done an ultrasound or anything like that. They aren't vets who are super experienced with guinea pigs.

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