Gus can't walk!

I am totally amazed at how big Gus is they make a beautiful pair, Great news about his full recovery
So glad to see that Gus is growing like a weed now and is almost full grown..... He has even grown more than the last pictures you put on here of him. He should be getting in all of his feathers. When geese have the proper diet and vitamins in their diet they do great as you have experienced with Gus. This is the reason I only feed the waterfowl feed because it takes care of everything waterfowl need. When feeding other types of feed to them it just does not cover their diet. Then you have to supplement with niacin and or brewers yeast.
This thread will benefit many people who will have trouble with their gosling because they choose to feed other than waterfowl feed. But first off it is super important they have grass and dandelion greens as it helps get them a good start in life. Then we give the waterfowl feed.
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That is some solid advice! If it weren't for you and Miss Lydia I know for a fact Gus wouldn't be here today! I hope someday I can pay it forward and help somebody else the way you both helped me. That's the best part about these message boards.
That is some solid advice! If it weren't for you and Miss Lydia I know for a fact Gus wouldn't be here today! I hope someday I can pay it forward and help somebody else the way you both helped me. That's the best part about these message boards.
And you will, matter of fact I have your thread bookmarked to share when others come in with these kind of problems. You are a big help and it's always so nice to be able to share some ones experience that worked. Keep up the pics and events in their lives I love following them.
gm21255, When you ask if the legs are swollen or warm, why is that? My 2 month old Sebbie has leg issues, yes, because of a niacin deficiency I think. I started a supplement and then found waterfowl feed in town that actually has the niacin in it. I also put the Sebbie out at the edge of the grass to eat the mud that I hear has niacin in it. Sometimes I think the legs feel warm, but not sure if they're swollen or not. If they are, it's minimal. But what does it mean if they're warm. He's still unable to walk after 1.5 weeks and getting the niacin for about that long. He's otherwise totally fine, growing and super friendly. He's getting used to me carting him around to put him outside. I bring him in the house to lay on his towel because of the heat outside and he can't get around. I'm more afraid a dog will walk on him, our adult geese might hurt him, or a hawk will see him and swoop down and grab him. I'm not sure what else to do for him or what else might be wrong. I've done hours and hours of research.
gm21255, When you ask if the legs are swollen or warm, why is that? My 2 month old Sebbie has leg issues, yes, because of a niacin deficiency I think. I started a supplement and then found waterfowl feed in town that actually has the niacin in it. I also put the Sebbie out at the edge of the grass to eat the mud that I hear has niacin in it. Sometimes I think the legs feel warm, but not sure if they're swollen or not. If they are, it's minimal. But what does it mean if they're warm. He's still unable to walk after 1.5 weeks and getting the niacin for about that long. He's otherwise totally fine, growing and super friendly. He's getting used to me carting him around to put him outside. I bring him in the house to lay on his towel because of the heat outside and he can't get around. I'm more afraid a dog will walk on him, our adult geese might hurt him, or a hawk will see him and swoop down and grab him. I'm not sure what else to do for him or what else might be wrong. I've done hours and hours of research.
If legs are swollen or warm could mean some kind of infection going on, Do you give your gosling water therapy? if so does he use his legs in the water? I'd put him in a tub or pool at least 2X a day to take pressure off his legs and to get him moving around and building his leg muscles up. What dosage of niacin are you giving? if 100-150 megs then increase it as LYbbe did for Gus as soon as she increased his dose she noticed a difference. And your right about keeping him from being stepped on or taken by a pred. keep looking after him the way you are and hopefully you'll begin to see improvements soon. Make sure to stay with him when he is in deep water. please keep us updated.
Thanks so much. I will increase his niacin intake. I do put him in the pool a few times a day, and I move his legs around and try to get him to stand so he doesn't get atrophy. I've been stretching out his feet because he won't, that kind of thing. My boyfriend thinks we should euthanize him, but I want to give him some time to heal and develop properly. He isn't sick or anything. Growing still.
Thanks so much. I will increase his niacin intake. I do put him in the pool a few times a day, and I move his legs around and try to get him to stand so he doesn't get atrophy. I've been stretching out his feet because he won't, that kind of thing. My boyfriend thinks we should euthanize him, but I want to give him some time to heal and develop properly. He isn't sick or anything. Growing still.

Thanks so much. I will increase his niacin intake. I do put him in the pool a few times a day, and I move his legs around and try to get him to stand so he doesn't get atrophy. I've been stretching out his feet because he won't, that kind of thing. My boyfriend thinks we should euthanize him, but I want to give him some time to heal and develop properly. He isn't sick or anything. Growing still.
Does he move his legs at all when he's in the water? and doing massage and leg exercises is a good thing too. Your right never give up on him as long as he is growing eating and drinking.
Yeah, in the water he's using both legs now. He was only using one before, so I think it's helping, but just a very slow process. And, yep, I've been rubbing his legs and anywhere under the feathers that feels like is leg related, he seems to like to it, he'll close his eyes and snuggle up in my hand, and is very agreeable to rolling on his side if I do it on the grass. I've found that if you kind of rub inside that joint, he'll stretch his legs on his own, and I stretch out his feet for him and try to get him to stand so that he can tolerate weight bearing, hopefully soon.

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