Ive got 2 golden laced wyandottes, an auracona, an ameuricana rooster, a mixed breed rooster, a barred rock, a silver laced wyandotte, a rhode islan red, 2 australorp hens, and an australorp rooster... those are my adult burds, but i have about 30 more laying chicks, 7 are at 4 weeks old, and like 23 are at 1 week and a half old, and a lot of eggs in the other incubator.
How are the eggs?
Anymore hatch during the night?

Nah, but i was actually really surprised that the one that had the problem hatched, cause 2 days before hatch day... the thermostat messed up and i tried to fix it and it went from 90 degrees to 120 degrees... so i understand why these eggs didnt hatch.
Nah, but i was actually really surprised that the one that had the problem hatched, cause 2 days before hatch day... the thermostat messed up and i tried to fix it and it went from 90 degrees to 120 degrees... so i understand why these eggs didnt hatch.
That's a bummer...temp spike.:barnie
That's a lot of chickens! Oh and interesting thing. I have a friend that experiments hatching eggs in an incubator, and he says the warmer the eggs are, they usually end up roosters, and if it's cooler (not cold don't confuse what I am saying the eggs need to be warm), they will end up hens. He said with the experiments he did, that's usually the way it ends up.
That's a lot of chickens! Oh and interesting thing. I have a friend that experiments hatching eggs in an incubator, and he says the warmer the eggs are, they usually end up roosters, and if it's cooler (not cold don't confuse what I am saying the eggs need to be warm), they will end up hens. He said with the experiments he did, that's usually the way it ends up.

Oh wow, thats really crazy... but how could you do "cooler" it has to be around 99.5-102
Oh wow, thats really crazy... but how could you do "cooler" it has to be around 99.5-102

That's what I am saying. I don't mean cool. If it's above 102, like 103 - 106 it is usually a rooster, and by cool, I mean below 103, like around the 101 area, usually about 99. That's the way he does it. It's weird, and I don't understand it. Maybe try it out with a small batch? Do one cooler and one warmer (again, don't mistake cooler for the refrigerator), and see which ones turn to hens or roosters. I gotta try incubation now, it sounds so fun!

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