Half Shell Hatch-A-Long! (Caution, unsuccessful, please read whole thread before attempting)

I don't look excited, but I am. My expressions are all the same before 2 full cups of coffee.

FWIW, none of my incubated chicks peeped a whole lot and some none at all.
I'm thinking that must be it. Mine usually chirp some, but I know some don't peep any.
Let's all guess, how many days/hours do you think until she's ready to hatch? Make your guesses hourly, like 4 o'clock p.m. on Friday, for example. Just for fun, lol.
Thanks! He or she is very cute! Love the five toes. My mom won't know if you have hand feed him or her?
Her and yes. I am afraid I have unintentionally taught her that how you eat and drink. That's why in looking forward to my other eggs hatching. Maybe she will learn to feed herself. I sure hope she does.

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