Halloween Hatch-A-Long 2017

I have 1 egg hatching due any day now! I have been following along with this thread and I didnt know I would acctually be hatching with you guys! Kinda a funny story... I put 2 eggs under a broody hen and didn’t think about what day it would hatch and I didn’t mark down the day I set them. Well, long story short, mamma abandoned eggs and one is still alive. She is due to hatch any day now but is a bit behind schedule because of the day with no heat. I am picking up some silkie chicks tomorrow to keep her company if/when she hatches.

Good luck! :fl



Lockdown is tomorrow!!! Ahhhh I can't tell if I am excited or nervous. Got the hatcher all set upView attachment 1172590 I hatch in my Chinese knock off... not as good for the incubation period as my brinsea but holds humidity wonderfully for hatching. I put down a holy shelf liner over the plastic "floor" of the hatcher and then I have a corral I made out of holy plastic craft stuff I use to seperate the different color eggs so I can get an idea of which chicks came from which eggs. If they only have access to a few there is less soccer going on.... sigh but still some get knocked around some. Oh I took the pic before my hatcher wad up to temp and the humidity will come up some

Good luck! :fl

It hatched! It had some green and white blob of goo stuck to its bottom. I’m assuming it was poo. It’s belly is all closed up and it looks good. I’m just doubting it’s a silkie. I ordered it from a breeder who only has, supposedly, paint silkies, but this chick is all pink. Oh well it’s a cutie either way View attachment 1172641


Ooooh its the exciting time on on this thread! All the babies! :love:pop

My cracked egg is still alive last candle, I peeled back the duck tape as much as I could without damaging the egg more. It is clear of the zip line and pip mark so fingers crossed!:fl

The kindergarten teacher was out of town this weekend so I will have to put those eggs on lock down tomorrow morning asap! They were all doing great last time I checked!
BTW what's everyones preferred lockdown temp? I've got a staggered hatch going in uglybator (just one HAL egg in there, the rest are still in week one, lol), so not sure it's gonna change anything there, but I'm curious!

I drop the temp .5 - 1 degree when I up the humidity.
It delays hatch a bit too, which improves results.
Good to know for next time :thumbsup

So of the 13 eggs left, 12 have pip’ed completely, but one little bugger pip’ed on the side of the egg, not in the air cell. I made an air hole on the large end to help him out and see what’s going on. He is alive and chirping loud! Louder than the rest, but it looks like there is blood. He might’ve popped through a blood vessel. Hopefully he makes it:fl
My duck tape chick is in trouble, egg cell grew and the probable pip is right where the tape is. I cant take it off without the shell coming off too. what to do what to do?!

How bad is it, under the tape? Would it be possible to peel off the duct tape and replace with something else? Skinny strips of scotch tape? Glue? Wax? Paper/fabric tape?
How bad is it, under the tape? Would it be possible to peel off the duct tape and replace with something else? Skinny strips of scotch tape? Glue? Wax? Paper/fabric tape?
I cant get the tape off without taking the shell off too. Air cell looks great, I tried my best but I think I'm going to be forced to leave it to the fates.
I am at a complete loss. I can't figure out why.
I set my eggs on the 10th of October. Exactly at 12:02 am with hopes of an early hatch on October 31.
Today is the 29th and I have 7 of them running around in the bator. 2 unzipping and 3 external pips.
I am exhausted from all the chores this weekend and now I have I super successful early hatch-o-rama going down... I want to sleep!

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