Hey, just want to let you know ... I have half in an egg carton, and half on the floor. I really REALLY like this "egg carton hatching!" Just watch, then, "POP!" It is way cool!
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Alright, after tearing my hair out for an hour, I gave up on the other thing and opened a Flickr account. LOL Let's see if it works...


Edit: Okay, that didn't work. Lemme try... this...

Edit #2: Crud, that didn't work either.

Well, back to drawing board. So I'm not totally off topic, I completed the shell zip on my wrong-end egg, and zipped most of the membrane, just leaving a little bit as a hinge. Baby is squirming around in the shell, so that's good... As for everyone else, some peeping but no pips yet.

Edit #3: I really like the carton method, too! Seems to solve a lot of incubator related hatch unpleasantness, like eggs getting kicked around, gunk all over the 'bator, etc... Cool.
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What sweet babies!
are one of these from a kitty cracked egg?

I've got a sick kiddo so since I'll probably be up most of the night anyhow I thought I'd join in on virtual bator watch if nobody minds.
Dr. Maya... LOL Thanks - I was very careful, and there were only a couple of spots blood. I think it was more that she's ready to come out than through my skill, although she's still in the egg with her little wing over her face, cheeping away. I can tell she's gonna be somewhat dark... Yay! Part of what I love so much about Seramas is the rainbow of colors they come in.

I guess I'll just upload the whole group of pics to Flickr. I kinda wanted to post them directly on the thread, but I'm too tired to figure out how. I knew how to do it from Geocities, but they closed and won't activate my new account with their webhosting dealie. Grrr.....
Join in - I'm going to be up a while, too, I think. And, yes, my kitties knocked my bator off my dresser two days ago, right after I locked down for hatch. Eight of ten eggs got cracked, some minor, most moderately to majorly damaged. So far both undamaged eggs have hatched plus two slightly damaged eggs, and one chick, pipped at the wrong end, is also nearly out. The worst ones I'm still waiting on, though I have seen some signs of life.
So, I shall wait a while, and see.
Uploaded more piccies... I feel just like a proud mommie! These pics are just the tip of the iceberg, of course. LOL I have to save a few more, then I can unload the camera and take a new batch, woot!


There's the link so y'all don't have to backtrack. lol

Yeah, I gotta think up some GREAT names for these little ones. I find it kinda ironic that my Serama roo is already named Boo. He has a Halloween name and he was born in July. LOL (July of 2008, that is.. he's a big boy now.)
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got a quick text from hubby while i am working baby number two has hatched on his own. Had to help number one he was backwards and almost to big for his egg All are up and about yay..ill post pics soon

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