Mornin' everyone!

I woke up to 3 Lavender Orps, and the original one that began zipping is still not out. I think she will be named Pokey! I noticed one is lighter colored than the other two. I believe I read that in this Lavender Orpington Project, there is an occasional splash, which will still carry the Lavender gene. I will need to go reread about that.
Anyway, I still have another dozen eggs in there, which appear to be doing nothing. Today is Day 21 on these.

Congrats on all the new babies. I love all your pictures .... send more!
Best wishes!


ETA: On closer inspection, I think I have 4 more pips! YAY!
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Mojo Chick'n :

They had a marathon on last night (today's marathon is Addam's Family on WGN this afternoon)

Grandpa's other alias's (according to one episode) were "the Count" or "Sam Dracula" - I thought Sam Dracula was sort of funny.


Oh, I like those names. They will surely get used in this Halloween hatch!​
Four more last night, two pipping, and 5-6 just sitting there today. The rest have another week or two.

We named the Turken Pumpkin since its staying, But thats it for the names.
These are all for sale in a few weeks unless something Really cool turns out that I just must keep.

There a a couple of really cool yellow/buff ones. I'll post pics again later.
Good morning all. Happy Halloween,
Last night when I went to bed I had left one lying on the floor of the incubator that I totally expected to die overnight, but this morning its up running around and looks fine.
It's a Halloween miracle. That makes my final hatch count 3 white silkies, 2 RIRs, and 4 Buff Orphington. I started with 28 eggs, my first hatch was a tremendous learning journey.

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