Hang out with me while I do my homework - IB Jokes added


8 Years
Aug 26, 2011

I think I'll begin with Maths. We're doing some weird form of graphing quadratic equations in the h and k form by completing the square, which I more or less have a grasp on.
I have about five exercises to finish. Fun. :lol: At least the last of those is some problem solving, so we get to see how all the time we spend slaving over wonkily-drawn parabolas relates to something that's relevant to the rest of the world.
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It's actually good. You never appreciate it earlier but maths can be quite interesting.
Oh good, finding the x-intercepts from the discriminant. This is easy stuff. I should be past this exercise in no time. Two down, three to go. :woot
Deriving equations from the graph... what is this. I've forgotten how this works again. *scratches chin*

Perhaps I should start on my physics, I'm doing a prac report on the conservation of energy which should be relatively easy as we don't have to include uncertainties. :yesss:

Ah! Thank heavens for worked examples. Substitute y-intercept co-ordinates into equation to find a.
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Teacher: What is the main cause of deforestation?

IB Student: *holds up homework*
IB Math Student: Aw man, another proof! Why do we have to do this?

IB Math Teacher: Hey! You! Math now, TOK later.

Student 1: Do you do maths HL?
Student 2: Do I look suicidal to you?

Are you kidding?! I do HL maths. INSULTED!! :gig :lau
IB Math student: Hey guys! I have a math joke for you
students: go ahead!
IB Math Student: Why did sine and cosine go to the beach?TO GET A TAN!

Only in IB is the threat:
"I'll smash your graphing calculator!"
More effective than a gun to th head.

My friend cried when she lost her calculator. :p

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