Happy Ostara !!!!!! Pg17 Formerly Blessed Solstice and Merry Yule

That is my favorite christmas song. The only christmas song I have on my zune as a matter of fact. I must admit that I am a nebie when it comes to paganism but I am learning so much and loving it. I do have the idiots guide but if anyone wants to send me recomendations on books to check out I would appreciate it!
Well I'm not sure what kind of paganism you're most interested in, but for me its Wicca. I bought a Witch's Bible, which I heard is a must read. However, I'm finding it really dry and hard to trudge through... So I have my eyes out for another good beginning guide thats a little more fun to read. I'm going to try Secrets of modern witchcraft revealed: unlocking the mysteries of the magical arts by lady sabrina next. I hear its good.
I have a book by a guy named Raymond Buckland. Can't remember the name of the book. It is pretty interesting though.
I need the sunshine!! Hubby usually tries to take me to Mexico or Hawaii during the winter months, or I turn into the Witch from Hell.

Vitamin D deficiency will do that. I take Carlson's liquid D3 drops during the winter.​
Does anyone listen to the Druid Cast? Oh I LOVE it. I actually didn't listen to this months episode so it's gonna play now.

If anyone wants a link I can post it!

BTW we are pretty much eclectic. But we follow a lot of celtic beliefs. I love reading about the Druids. An awesome book I would reccomend to anyone is called The Druids by Peter Berresford Ellis. Just full of interesting TRUE history. GOOD READ!
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I am not familiar with his music.
What type does he sing?
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