Happy Story c:


8 Years
May 10, 2011
One of my chicks hatched out with her yolk sack still attached. It was probably about the size of a nickel? Well, she ruptured it. I had no choice but to cut it off and put her back (It was just weighing her down and getting her all goopy), a little while later her intestines started coming out. I was 100% sure this little girl wasn't going to last long, but I decided to try til the end anyway. I gently re inserted her intestines with a q-tip, put some ointment on her navel and put her back. Sure enough, her navel closed up, but I still wasn't sure she'd make it. She was lethargic and not eating much. I spent a couple of sleepless nights watching her struggle to walk, getting her to drink and eat. So for the most part I just held her so she wasn't alone.
But guess what?
My baby chick is 6 days old, eating and drinking, pooping regularly and just raising hell all over the place. She's quite fond of me now, and thinks of me as her 'momma' because I have spent so much time with her.
Every time I look over at her I'm just thrilled to see her thriving. :)

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