Hard boiled eggs not so hard?


10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
I don't now where to post this but this is my question:

I have a comet/shaver red productory hen raised for an egg factory. (however we rescued her as 6 month old pullet so never actually lived the factory life) I had another one that recently passed at age 3 and a half of unknown causes- also rescued from the same source.

The one that passed had this pequliarness about her egg whites. When hard boiled they were solid, but mushy in consistancey and would smoosh in your fingers. (made for a gross hard boiled egg) We usually gave her eggs to the dogs. when I say mushy- I mean not just 'soft' and hard to peel like fresh eggs can be- I mean MOOOSHY like pureed cottage cheese.

2 yrs later (while the 1st bird was still alive)we aquired the second pullet (now just over 2) her eggs were always fine...until recently...

Now we have found them to have changed to becomming mushy like the other hens eggs were. We have started using them in recipies rather than hard boiling however we are concerned there is a problem?

she lives with a RIR that is a yr older than her and her eggs are fine- the whites when hard boiled are solid- not mushy.

Is this NORMAL? or is this a condition that runs in certain breeds? Are these eggs ok to eat? No viruses or anything that could cause this?

They are kept very clean and are on Organic layer pellets which contain DE. They also receive fresh foods of all types and it does not seem to correlate what so ever with what they are being fed. Their shells are fine and hard.

??? any info is apreciated!
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If you change your title to something like "Hens eggs are MOOSHY when boiled - PROBLEM??" You may get more responses to your question. I was ready to report this to be moved!
I can't answer you but a more appropriate title would help.
I've had store bought eggs that were like this. I always wondered if it was because the egg was old. I know what you mean though, the texture is just disgusting. Even frying the egg doesn't make a difference when you get one like this the white is just plain gross. Boiled and it's just such a weird mouth feel that it makes me gag. The yolks always act normal, it's just the white part that is weird. And it's just the individual egg not the cooking technique because the one right next to it is perfect. It must be either a disease condition or a nutritional problem. At least that's my guess. I hope someone more knowledgeable has an answer. I'm really curious to find out what causes this.
Thanks everyone-

I will check out the link...

but how do i change my title? I dont think I can edit that, I may have to post a new post....

Yeah the link goes off on a tangent of just talking about different cooking techniques. Apparently not many people have experienced this phenomena of strange acting egg whites. I know it has nothing to do with how you cook the egg.
Ok I am SOOOO glad you know what I am talking about Zippy...

it is just 'not right'. It weirds me out. I lived on a farm as a kid and NEVER ate an egg like that. (but we also never had this breed)

I find it odd that they are from 2 different chickens of the same breed. they didnt start that way, but became that way and I don't know why....

I only have 2 birds right now. the RIRs eggs are normal.

????? weird!

If there IS something wrong I want to fix it!
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Did you ever figure out what was happening to your eggs? I'm having the same problem and can't figure it out. I was having a hard time peeling the eggs and having trouble with mushiness; I read that this was probably because our eggs were too fresh. So now I'm boiling 1-2 week old eggs and, while peeling is easier, the mushiness problem is just as awful as ever.
I have been experiencing the mooshy egg phenomenon as well. I have noticed it is only happening to the eggs of my hens 3 years or older. My 1 year old layers are producing normal eggs. My first thought was that it is an age thing. The shells are perfectly healthy and thick. The yolk looks good. The white is just cottage cheesy in texture when hard boiled. This has been happening for many many months now.

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