Harrisburgh Pa. Farm Show on Jan12th

Really? I always thought there were tons of vendors .. they have them all in another part of the complex ... my friend had a booth there a couple years ago and I spent one day babysitting it. She makes weathervanes, garden shadows, lawn shadows, planter stakes, etc, all the way down to EARRINGS from black powder coated steel.

I didn't say there wern't tons of vendors. Just that I was dissapointed that a lot of the vendors didn't seem to "farm" oriented. For example, I don't know what earrings and shammies, and vespas, and cell phones, and snack dips, etc.. have a lot to do with working the land. Seems like you see those types of vendors at any show anymore not matter what the venue. But I still had a great time!

SFF- you were funny when they put your bird in the reserve grand champion cage. They had announced it earlier- and I didn't think you had heard your bird was a winner. My husband and I were the ones who had just finished talking to your gentleman friend about the fact that we both had a rooster named Harvey. Congrats!
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My birds are! They have Poultry Lane Farm tags on the coops.
Hannah I saw them!!! Lovely birds!!! :) Is your Splash cockeral always so talkative?! LOL he was crowing up a storm when I was watching him

I cannot BELIEVE the number of birds there this year! I don't remember them EVER using that many rows and that much of that room to show the birds! And I remember years when they were just single cages, now they're nearly all double stacked! And there was much more water fowl this year too! Plus there the ducklings never had a brooder before. I was impressed with the number of educational stands that increased this year too, normally there arent as many. I think the expansion this year was good, but I don't know how much more they can fit in there until they need to expand the building itself (which I don't think they've done in nearly 20 years) because even for a weekday morning, it was literally shoulder to shoulder in there today! Way to go Harrisburg and the Ag department!
Yes! 1800 birds entered this year, largest entry in 20+ years...My son has birds there as I write...(and did quite well!)
I loved seeing all the different birds and waterfowl. It was my first poultry show, so I was like a kid in a huge candy store lol.

I didn't think of entering any of my birds. I figured nothing I had could compare to what others would bring. Specially after being on BYC and all the talk of 'show quality' birds, which I don't think I have.

I walked very slowly and really looked at a lot of the birds there. I was very shocked to see many of the chickens with bubble eyes and looking sick. A good majority of the birds also had very bad scaly leg mites. I really couldn't believe those birds were even allowed to be entered into the show.

I know close to nothing about poultry shows, but apparently scaly leg mites are overlooked? I can't imagine how every bird there won't go home sick by the end of the week. I am sort of glad I didn't enter my birds now. I really hope any of the BYC'ers that did, don't end up with sick chickens.
There was one leghorn that was so bad that she couldnt even stand on her feet with the scaleys. She went to the "isolation room". I hope none of my birds get sick from there. If any members see sick birds, please get into contact with one of the show secretaries/people in charge to take care of it.

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