Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

LOL...Kim, it drove MY OCD'S nuts too!! I am a clean freak, never again with a white horse. :lol:
Not sure I could cope with a white/grey horse! Would drive my OCD crazy :gigI have some weird habits! My friend has a traditional with lots of feather and it’s a real job keeping them clean. She’s just started showing her again so it was lots of scrubbing for her last weekend!

Great read :)

Thank you. :)
Oh boy! That is bad! :eek::lau. It started out looking like it might be some welfare case and then you see they have a whole field to roll in but they have to do it in a liquid mud bath. Not sure I can ever complain about my guys again after seeing that!
How is keeper doing?
I too will never complain either! Can you imagine how heavy those rugs will have been to get off? :lol:

Keeper is good thank you :) All looks good with his leg and the screw seems to have stayed in place. It does feel like he has a seroma developing on the inside of the leg though. Back to vets on Friday so I’m sure he will be able to advise on it. We have been walking to the end of the street and back with him which he’s enjoyed a lot! Still on the lead all of the time though but he’s been a lamb and had to get used to it. He’s more giddy with Charlie and Scott but when it’s just us two he’s a good boy :)
Keeper’s check up appointment has gone really well :woot
The vet is very happy with his progress and has said he’s got some great bone growth. He does have a seroma on the inside and a slight one on the outside too but it’s nothing to worry about. He says if they get too big or start causing an issue they can just be drained. Back in one months time for a follow up X-ray and if all is well he can be discharged :fl
That is great news Kim. Let's hope all goes smoothly in the coming month!

I had a fox attack today:(. Somewhere between 10am and 2.30pm. Got the little lavender pekin cockerel who lives on the lawn between my brother's and my house with his little girlfriend. He is such a sweetheart. I came home to find the lawn littered with his feathers in 3 distinct large clumps. No sign of either of them. Very sparse trail of feathers away from the scene but managed to track the odd one here and there up onto the old Victorian ash tip above the house. It is very steep and overgrown and of course makes an ideal den location for foxes and badgers. Lost track of it near the top of the hill so came back down to get other chucks locked up safe in case it returned and eventually found the little pullet hidden under one of my bee hives. She was terrified and I struggled to get her caught and put away, but locked her in their little coop combo on the lawn and was trying to decide if it was better to leave her there on her own or cause her further trauma by trying to integrate her in with the other bantams. Since they also needed to be confined for their safety which means space is tight, I left her to settle in her own coop.
Can't believe it but tonight, her little boyfriend has turned up looking a bit bedraggled and bald but quite cocky still and most concerned that he was locked out of his own home. She is so happy to see him it really is heart warming. Don't know how he has managed to get away or where he has been, but I'm so relieved to have him back. They will have to be confined to barracks for the foreseeable future!

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