Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Happy birthday to Harry!
smiley cake.gif
Hope everyone is doing ok?

So..... Keeper has had his X-ray today and things are healed up as good as they are going to. Now some time has passed since the original break/fractures the vet can see that he has a humeral intracondylar fissure. A commen condition that affects spaniels apparently. As his bones hadn’t fully fused it was weak and therefore caused the break. Usually these are picked up when the dog goes lame and scans/ X-ray pics confirm it. So this could have happened in 6 months or a years time who knows. If it was picked up from him going lame the treatment would have been the same, a screw through the joint so in a way I suppose he’s got it out of the way.
Vet is pleased with his progress though and we can increase his exercise over the next 4 weeks when hopefully he will be back up to full speed and back on track to becoming a working gun dog :fl
Kim, that is great news. So pleased he is on the mend and some peace of mind I guess to know that he probably would have needed to have that surgery anyway.

I've just spent all afternoon at the vets with my sister and her horse Skwert, who has been intermittently lame on hard surfaces for over 2 years. She has tried different stuff with farriery and plastic horseshoes and barefoot and hoof boots etc but not even been entirely able to pin point which leg, so she bit the bullet and booked him in for diagnostics at the local equine veterinary clinic. 5 hours later after umpteen nerve blocks and Xrays and we are not much closer to knowing what the problem is but possibly more than one leg involved and both front and back. The vet thought it was going to be bone spavin at the back and possibly navicular at the front but Xrays are pretty clean, which is comforting in some respects and frustrating in others! We will be going back next week to nerve block the back legs and see if that sheds more light on it, but after that, he is talking silly money for bone scans and MRI. He will happily trot, canter, gallop and jump on soft ground, but as soon as he is on a hard surface he is uncomfortable, which suggests it is concussion related. Pleased I'm not paying the bill!

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