Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Thanks Barbara :) In someways it’s a relief to know that the joint was weak in the first place to cause the break but in another bad that he suffered the break. Before the accident he was not showing signs of lameness so we had no cause for concern with him but as the vet said the lameness would have shown it’s self in the end due to the fissure had he not broken it. We had an X-ray done on his other elbow and thank goodness there is no fissure on that one!

How annoying for your sister with Skwert! (Love that name) Crikey MRI and bone scans sound seriously pricey :( Is she insured? I too would think concussion with the hard and soft ground differential. Hope they can shed some light next week but if not will she go ahead with next suggested options?
Yes, Skwerty has always been a little Skwert. He and Rascal are very similar in mentality. No, he is not insured but my sister has the funds to investigate further if necessary. Her husband is very generous! Whether or not she will sanction it though will depend upon the likelihood of getting a definitive result. The problem has not deteriorated in the past 3 years and she does about 75 miles a month with him, so he is not a field ornament, but it is obviously concerning and frustrating when he is not happy/comfortable for some of that mileage and I think she is at least wanting reassurance that continuing is not going to cause deterioration of the issue rather than just mask it with bute etc.
She was so thrilled the other week when she took him for a schooling session and there were jumps up in the arena and they had a play over them. He was not only comfortable jumping but seemed to actually enjoy it. She has not really done any jumping with him before and had gone to do ground work but when the jumps were up, it was just a temptation to have a go. She fully expected him to refuse as his brother Jack has never been keen to jump, so she was cock-a-hoop that Skwerty was so enthusiastic. It seems odd that he can jump a course of jumps no problem but not trot down the road! She has had some success with metal shoes on the back and either barefoot or hoof boots on the front but he is currently barefoot all round with hoof boots on the front and not sound on a hard surface. She keeps his hooves in beautiful condition too (she trims them herself) and Xrays showed the internal structure is good as well, which I guess is a relief. We all live in fear of laminitis or navicular when there is lameness. Fingers crossed that something is flagged up next week that can be treated without too much concern for degeneration.

I’m getting a flag out Barbara! Shock horror!

Got out on H this afternoon with my friend on her pony. A little giddy at first but overall not too bad to say I’ve been so sporadic on the riding. Pleased I’ve got on board and now the days are getting longer we should be able to get out more in the mornings with more light.

Sounds like your sister had a fab time with the jumping! It sure is strange the difference with soft and hard ground for him. It’s good to hear she can if she wishes go ahead with more tests but that possibility of not getting an answer sure does linger...
I do hope next week can shed more light and if not that she still can still have a good time on soft ground!
Oh, well done you! I'm impressed. Pleased to hear Harry wasn't too hyped. Sadly, I am totally failing our riding pact.
I have groomed 6 mud monsters today though and eventually helped Ian drive two of his out for the first time this season, but when I got to the farm, expecting they would be harnessed up and ready to go, they were tied up outside their stables and Ian and the farmer and his partner where trying to get a recently calved cow out of the pen and into the crush so that they could milk her. She was wild and not cooperating, so it was all hands on deck and I went to help, but in all the chaos, Archie somehow got loose (not my fault thankfully as Ian had tied him up...phew!) and went down onto the road and Zak got anxious because Archie left him and started bouncing up and down on the end of his lead rope( he did some very impressive piaffe!) and there was an angry cow and a gate between me and them! It was all a bit fraught but thankfully no one got hurt and Archie realised that the road wasn't a good place to be and came back into the farmyard and Zak settled down eventually and we managed to drive them around the block without further incident. But, as a result, I haven't managed to get any of my beasties out, which is such a shame because the weather has been glorious.
Oh, well done you! I'm impressed. Pleased to hear Harry wasn't too hyped. Sadly, I am totally failing our riding pact.
I have groomed 6 mud monsters today though and eventually helped Ian drive two of his out for the first time this season, but when I got to the farm, expecting they would be harnessed up and ready to go, they were tied up outside their stables and Ian and the farmer and his partner where trying to get a recently calved cow out of the pen and into the crush so that they could milk her. She was wild and not cooperating, so it was all hands on deck and I went to help, but in all the chaos, Archie somehow got loose (not my fault thankfully as Ian had tied him up...phew!) and went down onto the road and Zak got anxious because Archie left him and started bouncing up and down on the end of his lead rope( he did some very impressive piaffe!) and there was an angry cow and a gate between me and them! It was all a bit fraught but thankfully no one got hurt and Archie realised that the road wasn't a good place to be and came back into the farmyard and Zak settled down eventually and we managed to drive them around the block without further incident. But, as a result, I haven't managed to get any of my beasties out, which is such a shame because the weather has been glorious.

I was hoping to get out again today but...... Charlie needed picking up and I had to retrieve a parcel that I’d delivered to a wrong address :oops: Thank god the person I’d delivered it to gave me it back and it ended up with the right person in the end. Better late than never.... It’s been lovely down here today too but Monday’s are always busy so I’m hoping for tomorrow :fl

An angry cow! Good to hear you were all ok after that incident not sure I would have been! Cow’s scare me to death, an angry one would have tipped me over the edge :lol:
I must say and I know I shouldn’t but how you described it Barbara had me in stitches! Did Ian tell himself off for how he tied Archie up? If he anything like my Scott I bet not! Make a note of it and use it as a weapon :p

Would Ian not help you with your beastie’s in return for all you do with his?

Is the ferret a new pet Kim?

He got two of them last summer Debby. A Jill and a Hob.
They are called Gin & Tonic. He takes them out working down rabbit holes :)

You've heard of selective hearing... I'm convinced teenage boys have selective smell. :rolleyes:

Don't the dogs want to eat little furry ferret?

I’m sure Charlie must have selective smell :sick His room is a grot hole but he’s big enough now to do his own cleaning!

Yes, unfortunately the dogs do want to eat the ferrets :rolleyes: If they are in their cage the dogs don’t really take any notice but once they are out it’s a whole new ball game!

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