Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Sssoooooooo.... Keeper has been out today with Charlie and the gun. Wasn’t sure what he’d be like with it as it’s been that long since he’s heard it but thank goodness he wasn’t bothered by it at all :D He wasn’t too impressed with having to be on the lead though! But overall a good start back :clap
:frow Hope everyone is doing ok?

Had a scare today with Keeper! :barnie Normal day then when he came out of his run just before lunch time he was lame on the bad leg. My heart sunk and I was so worried so off to the vets we went. I tell you I was panic stricken! Vet could not feel anything out of place so we have some anti inflammatory tablets for a few days but if we need to he will have another X-ray. Everything was going so well and we were nearly back up to full exercise so this is very disappointing. I’m hoping as the vet says it’s just a pull or strain and nothing to do with his metal work but non the less it’s still a worry.
Got the other X-ray pics through too. Going to make a nice Keeper collage for the wall with these and all his puppy pictures as we have gone along.

Original break.

First screw

Screw came out.

Second screw

@rebrascora have you been enjoying this warm weather? I sure have :cool:
Hi Kim

So disappointed that Keeper has had another setback. That must be so worrying! Will be keeping my fingers crossed for him.
I wish you were as fortunate as me.... MeMe is still sound so beginning to think my hot poultices may have drawn something after all! Of course I will probably be cutting my tongue out tomorrow or probably Saturday, if she is hopping lame again. Must get an appointment made with the farrier to get shoes put back on.... they have been barefoot since before Christmas! I have been keeping hooves nicely trimmed myself and I may keep MeMe completely barefoot but Rascal is really in need of shoes. His feet are so flat and the heels are starting to collapse. He changes personality so much when he is shod and whilst it is nice having him more placid and easy to manage and basically a donkey, it's not nice knowing that it is because he is uncomfortable. He becomes big and confident and cheeky and full of himself when he has shoes on and I've tried boots with him before but he's still not as happy. Skwert obviously has similarly sensitive soles because after more nerve blocks the vet came to the conclusion that he just has extremely tender feet, so Jo is getting shoes put back on him. Funny that Rascal and Skwert are like that and MeMe has really hard feet and doesn't show any discomfort even on really rough tracks and yet they are full brothers and sister.

Yes the weather was lovely today.... a bit too hot for my liking, but so many jobs to do now that the ground is drying up. I was thinking of you as I was watering my pea seedlings this afternoon..... I am hopeful of getting a good crop of peas this year as they have almost all germinated and growing well in the poly tunnel.... I just need to figure out how to keep the Marans off them and in their pen, when I plant them out in the garden. I know that pea shoots are pretty tasty for us humans so I imagine chickens will love them.

Hoping that Keeper is sound or at least a little less lame tomorrow. Keep us updated please. I'm sure we will all be wishing him well. XX
Poor Keeper, he's just trying to be a puppy!! It sure hurts when they aren't well. I hope he's going to be ok. :hugs Those anti inflammatories should kick in soon. Give him some tummy scratches for me! :)

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