Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

Lovely photo Kim. How is he doing? Presumable it was just a minor strain :fl I was concerned that we hadn't had an update from you and was hoping that you were not stuck at the vets with him again adding to your mortgage! :th

We had a near miss of an accident out with our driving club today. About a mile from the start, going down a hill Ian felt something starting to flex and told me to jump down. As I did so the metal frame of the cart in the foot well suffered metal fatigue and just folded up meaning that the foot well hit the road. Thankfully by then I was down and at Zak's head because it made a loud scraping noise that was enough to spook any horse. We had taken the exercise cart which is a relatively modern steel box section construction instead of one of the antique wooden carts because it is smaller and lighter and easier to load onto the carriage trailer. All Ian could say was.... "modern rubbish! Not quality like they made 100 years ago".
I long reined Zak all the way back to the trailer at the jog (in riding boots) because Ian doesn't walk very well these days let alone run, so that is me shattered for the day..... I'm so unfit! Zak was incredibly well behaved though right from setting off, it was such a shame that we weren't able to complete the drive, but extremely fortunate that we were not going fast when it happened or there might have been a nasty accident. I think we will be taking one of his antique carts next time!
Hi everyone :frow

Thanks for all the likes on the pic! Have not had chance to get on much the last few days. I’m covering a friends delivery round as she’s broken her ankle :hmm Office jobs, run & quail house making plus the animals and everything in between! I’ve been feeling a bit stretched! Thankfully though Barbara we were not at the vets extending our mortgage! :lol:
It’s seems as the vet said it was just a pull or strain, thank goodness! Not sure I could cope with any more stress of major injuries.

As the weather had been nice we made a start on cleaning up and sorting out chickens runs. Then on Saturday while I was out delivering Scott & Charlie made a start on my new quail house as a surprise :love
Have cleared all the slabs the chickens were on, made it level and put a box around. Then Scott made me some new roofs that cover it all. Much better weather protection rather than tarps and it looks so much tidier. (It’s made my OCD’s day!) Right now they are on soil/sand but I have wood chip on order to put in for them. Just need to get the guttering put up and they should be finished. So much better than them slopping around in wet poop on the slabs. Plus I don’t have to shovel the poop out! Quick sift through and it’s done.

The quail house is pretty much done too, just a tad more painting and it’s finished. They are much happier in there with more room and they are enjoying the little hay filled shelter I made them. Unfortunately one of the Harlequin escaped and flew away when we were moving them to their new home. I felt awful and spent ages on Sunday rooting round our neighbors garden for it. I had to give up in the end and accept that I wasn’t going to find it :( But low and behold when I went out first thing Monday morning it was hanging around the old coop/run combo they were in! Could not believe it had got back home! I got the trusty landing net out, got it caught and back with its pals :)

@rebrascora Im so pleased to hear you were all ok after the cart incident! That sure does sound scary it breaking and scraping along the road :hmm Good to hear Zak was well behaved and I’m not surprised you were shattered with having to long rein all the way back. I get what Ian means with they don’t make things like they used to. Most things these days seem so disposable. Not made to last but made to make you spend more money!
Hope you have enjoyed the good weather we have had? It’s been raining here for hours now so tomorrow will be another mud bath! Just when it had dried up nicely too.
Did you read about the hay/straw shortage? Prices are rocketing down here for anything that’s left. They are saying this year might not be a good harvest due to crops not been planted soon enough due to the wet weather.
Just what we don’t need!

Well I’m going to need matchstick’s soon to keep my eyes open so I best hit the hay myself! :frow
Yikes, that does look uncomfortable...poor guy! Hope you get ahold of the farrier soon Kim :fl
Oh dear! I find it amazing how easily horses pull them off in the field but when you have one like this it takes all your strength and an hour or so! I've used screwdrivers to try to lever them off before and a hacksaw blade inserted between the hoof and the shoe to cut through the nails and then leave the farrier to remove the nails later or use a stubby little screwdriver and hammer to ease up the clenches whilst the foot is on the ground and then pick it up and try to lever it off. Maybe try a mixture of methods. That nail on the right looks like it has been pulled enough to maybe get a hacksaw blade between shoe and hoof. Horseshoe nails are quite soft so they don't take a lot of cutting. It depends how obliging the horse is to stand whilst you hold his leg up and saw away at it.
Oh dear! I find it amazing how easily horses pull them off in the field but when you have one like this it takes all your strength and an hour or so! I've used screwdrivers to try to lever them off before and a hacksaw blade inserted between the hoof and the shoe to cut through the nails and then leave the farrier to remove the nails later or use a stubby little screwdriver and hammer to ease up the clenches whilst the foot is on the ground and then pick it up and try to lever it off. Maybe try a mixture of methods. That nail on the right looks like it has been pulled enough to maybe get a hacksaw blade between shoe and hoof. Horseshoe nails are quite soft so they don't take a lot of cutting. It depends how obliging the horse is to stand whilst you hold his leg up and saw away at it.

I know! It’s been years since he pulled a shoe! Him and Bran will have been acting the goat with each other in the field so I bet that’s how he’s done it :rolleyes:

Thanks Barbara, I will give those a go first thing. I have managed to get that right hand side nail out with some pliers but those on the left feel like they are welded in and the clenches seem to have disappeared :hmm I’ve managed to push it a bit to the right but he’s still not happy. That leg is also a bit puffy, the same one he did that tendon in on last year. I tell you it never rains but it does pour!!!!!!

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