Has anyone else bought more than they have room to plant?


11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Ohio near Coshocton
I had a surprise in the mail! I had forgotten that I bought some trees last year when they were on clearance to be delivered this spring! Oops! I found room for the 15 pines but not sure where to put the cherry trees! And last month I ordered 15 more pines because I forgot that I had ordered the others! Different kinds though! So I'm trying to figure out where they will go. I think they will end up by the fence. Then I got a sale paper from Gurney! Two pawpaw trees needed a home! I have never eaten a pawpaw but they look and sound interesting. And they were cheap! Some blueberry plants too. I wonder if dh will notice the new trees and plants!
I should be ashamed ... but I'm not!!!!
Nothin to be ashamed of. Plants are like chickens. You can never
have enough.

2 BYC members sent me seeds and I've hit a few seed sales at the local
stores. I need a 40 acre pasture to plant all of them.
Every darn spring....the Lowes mark down table is the worst. I got huge geraniums for $1.50; and I don't have a clue where I'm going to put them. If you have a local Lowes, they put the "old" plants on the sale rack the day the trucks deliver new plants....75% off.

I need that 40 acre pasture too; although a half section might be even better!
when you live by flowerworld, of course you buy more than you can plant. At least I stopped buying trees.

Now if only I can stop buying gunnera, bananas and too many azalias!

I just prune the heck out of everything and I'm good to go.

now the vegetable garden, thats an entirely different story. I stuff it full of my seedlings, they die, then i get little plants at Fred Meyers and off I go!
Nevermind the fact that I dont' have room for the melons, beans, or other crawlie vining veggies and fruits!

But I wouldnt have it any other way!
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A few weeks ago DH and I went to the Farm Supply Store for chicken feed and came home with a huge stack of seed packets. We already had so many that we had to set up a box to categorize and alphabetize them just to keep up with what we've got. I have no idea what we're going to do with six varieties of cucumbers. We live on five acres, and we plant a large garden (at least to us it's large). We'll plant at least a few from each packet this year. We're starting our first seeds in the hoop house tomorrow. YAY!
I am a plant-aholic. Last fall I lost 98% of my african violets which has left the stands empty downstairs. Every year I spend money at the nurseries and buy plants on my wanted list. This year, I decided to grow some of my own from that list. Well now my stands are almost full...lol. I have perennials, annuals and some veggies started. DH hadn't been downstairs for a while and when he saw them yesterday he asked why I went so overboard...my reply, cause I could. LOL Usually I can't get seeds to sprout but this year, almost everything I planted sprouted. So I have 50 broadleaf chive plants, 20 garlic chive, 75 toad flax (you get the idea) LOL. Looks like I will be selling some cause I have no space for them all outside.
Only Australian pines work well in Phoenix... I see a few Ponderosas in well irrigated neighborhoods.

Wishing I had your problem.
I wish I had that many too, my house is on top a hill in an open field and the winds this winter were horrible. I plan to plant some this year but I dont think they can grow fast enough for me. Now the veg garden is another story, I think I bit off more than I can chew this year. I have the space but do I have the time
Well this year I did my normal, starting my garden by seed. Well my I was planning to have about 60-70 tomato plants. Well after I thinned them out I have 170 now. I will be doing a lot of canning this summer.

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