Hatch-Along - Anyone planning to hatch out around St. Patrick's Day?

Yesterday I tossed in two more silkie eggs. They'll hatch a day later than the others but with chicks more is more...:oops:
Yes, more is more, lol. As addictions go, this is really quite harmless, right? :cool:

There will be 6-7 days between my hatches. 35 on the 12th, and 18+ on the 19th. I kinda missed the St. Patrick's Day target, lol.
Yes, more is more, lol. As addictions go, this is really quite harmless, right? :cool:

There will be 6-7 days between my hatches. 35 on the 12th, and 18+ on the 19th. I kinda missed the St. Patrick's Day target, lol.
Still collecting and will hopefully set what I get tomorrow. I'm hoping I fixed the temp issue in my incubator and my eggs will hatch on time lol instead of late if not I might be right there with you on the 19th. Waiting to order my new Brinsea Spot Check on Friday.
How is it going? Hope everyone's eggs are doing well!

My first 35 are in my Farm Innovators incubator and are starting D7 at 2pm. I will be candling and weighing them tomorrow to check the weight loss%.

I have the 6+ Birchen Marans and a dozen Cream Legbars out for delivery and expected to be delivered this afternoon! The Hovabator is holding a steady temp, so I can put in the new batches in cartons to set for a day before turning after I candle and weigh them.
My incubator is doing great! But I do have a question. When I did my first hatch we kept the temp at 100 degrees the whole time, but most chicks hatched a little early and a couple had splayed legs. After the hatch was finished I went on a tour of a Hatchery who said that on day 15 they drop the temp to 99 (apparently because the chicks are getting old enough to generate their own body heat). Does anybody else do this? Should I?
My incubator is doing great! But I do have a question. When I did my first hatch we kept the temp at 100 degrees the whole time, but most chicks hatched a little early and a couple had splayed legs. After the hatch was finished I went on a tour of a Hatchery who said that on day 15 they drop the temp to 99 (apparently because the chicks are getting old enough to generate their own body heat). Does anybody else do this? Should I?
I have read that about reducing the temp. I usually keep the temp at 99.5 throughout, and reduce the temp by 0.5 at lockdown. I pay more attention to the humidity at that point since it shoots up after each egg hatches.
I try to keep mine at 99.5, but it's tricky. My own fault--not blaming the incubator. I keep it in the utility room where the temp is up and down a lot. I do this so I won't forget to check on it. I'm getting to be worryingly forgetful. :oops:

I wrap the base in a fleece jacket, and sometimes drape a little over the top to stabilize it and help it keep the temp up and I have very successful hatches. I don't think a stable temp can be all that vital considering this experience. After all, the hen also gets up now and again and switches the eggs around to give everyone a chance at the middlemost warm spot.

I've always used 99.5 as my goal for the entire time but I increase humidity during hatch and it works for me. It's funny... people all have their particular ideas and experiences. My hatches tend to run over a period of two days, occasionally with an early bird or a straggler but not routinely.
How is it going? Hope everyone's eggs are doing well!

My first 35 are in my Farm Innovators incubator and are starting D7 at 2pm. I will be candling and weighing them tomorrow to check the weight loss%.

I have the 6+ Birchen Marans and a dozen Cream Legbars out for delivery and expected to be delivered this afternoon! The Hovabator is holding a steady temp, so I can put in the new batches in cartons to set for a day before turning after I candle and weigh them.
Well at work today but hoping I might be home for this next batch to hatch day 21 is on Saturday.
You know, I just may do that one of these days. I know Walmart will put a basket together for you... I'm pretty sure they don't deliver though. It would, however, be nice not to have to wade through the milling crowd inside.
I just saw a sign outside my Wal-Mart saying they deliver groceries now, and I live in a smaller town. I may never leave the house again! Lol. Seriously, you should call your Wal-Mart and see if you have that service yet. Beats getting the flu, coronavirus, or whatever else is floating around out there.

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