Hatch Along March 1st

This is my second hatch nothin on such a large scale like you guys as here in the uk they are strict about livestock plus I live in a city, the first hatch was 4 eggs they are 3 weeks old now. Like I said got 10 fertile ones going well all developed hatching on the 14-18
Candled last night.
BLRW 5 eggs 1 infertile, 2 likely early quitters, 2 developing
Marans 6 eggs 5 developing 1 not sure.
Wheaton Ameraucanas 6 eggs all developing
Mille Fluer Leghorns 4 eggs all developing
Shipped Marans 18 eggs many infertile, will re-candle on day 10 and take out definite infertile eggs.

Hope everyone is doing well in there hatches and has a good weekend.
So I set eggs 3/3, 26 eggs total. 6 mixed maran, 6 ameraucanas, 1 lavender ameraucana and 13 mixed ee,oe I believe. Candled tonight and had 12 for sure, 5 maran eggs not sure yet and another 9 not sure. Pretty excited this is my first time hatching so to see any veining i was beyond thrilled.
I candled again tonight and tossed seven infertile eggs. The rest looked like they were developing good except for maybe a couple that may have stopped early but it was to hard to tell. My normal led flashlight was missing so I had to use my taser flashlight to candle the eggs. So now I am down to 31 eggs.
I candled on day 7 and marked the air cells. All 4 of my D'Uccle eggs were infertile.
The others I set (of my own silkie and showgirl eggs) were ALL developing perfectly. I couldn't believe it.
Today was day 3 for my shipped silkie eggs. I had them in a separate still air LG for the first 3 days but added them to my Brinsea tonight so they would start turning (after making room by moving 5 of my silkie and showgirl eggs to a broody since I didn't have any quitters-woot!). I couldn't resist so I candled 4 random shipped eggs and all 4 had good air cells and I could see the start of veining. Too good to be true, right?

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