Hatch Along - Setting eggs June 7th.....anyone else?

OK...I heard a peep...slight, but I heard it! This is the 19th night..so it's a little early. My last batch hatched on the 20th day. So might have some chicks tomorrow! My first Silkies!
Oh boy... well I guess I can stop worrying about humidity. All 6 of my hen's eggs have hatched as of this morning!

I had come home from work to see the cracks in the shells but figured oh they won't be out until tomorrow or later...1st one at 10pm last night (day 19) woke up to another 4 (surprise!) and #6 just at 8:30am this morning (day 20). I wasn't ready!! I ran around like a crazy woman at the stores looking for marbles lol. Finally ended up using which ones I could find in the house and small rocks from outside.

I can see a few more of my purchased eggs had pips? and I can hear them chirping. Here are the 5 that dried and I put them in their little brooder.

Just found this thread. Mine hatched Saturday & Sunday. None of my purchased eggs made it, only 3 of 8 were fertile and none of the 3 hatched :-( BUT 11 of the 12 eggs my friend gave me hatched! I have no idea what they are either...lol But all 4 of my EE hatched, but no telling which roo fertilized them. Here are my 11 babies. Out of the brooder today and into their penthouse..lol
Whoo hoo, I have my first ever hatch! A little Paint Silkie just made it out into the world. I hope the cheeping encourages some more chicks to come out and play tonight.


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