Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

Uh oh, I think I missed something. No turning? I read that only on day one you should not turn them?
Alot of us are hatching with eggs that were shipped. There has been alot of talk that shipped eggs need more time to sit so the air cell can heal. Local eggs are ok to turn right away. And shipped eggs people have different veiws but a few of us in this hatchalong are waiting 3-5 days before turning.
They are light to medium brown color...

black Australorp and Barred Rock

And DON'T TELL ME I COULD SEE VEINS ALREADY!!!! it is already hard enough to control the urge to look!!

now the urge is worse and I told myself I would be 'hands off' till at least day 7! good thing I am at work today so I can't be tempted anymore!

I just keep repeating to myself....

The weekend will get here!!
The weekend will get here!!
The weekend will get here!!
The weekend will get here!!
They are light to medium brown color...

black Australorp and Barred Rock

And DON'T TELL ME I COULD SEE VEINS ALREADY!!!! it is already hard enough to control the urge to look!!

now the urge is worse and I told myself I would be 'hands off' till at least day 7! good thing I am at work today so I can't be tempted anymore!

I just keep repeating to myself....

The weekend will get here!!
The weekend will get here!!
The weekend will get here!!
The weekend will get here!!

4 more days!!
4 more days!!
4 more days!!
4 more days!!
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Wow page 30 already , I am not sure I can go back and read all the posts I missed. I just realized I have way to many eggs going on in to many places.
Broody Hen 5 serama eggs set Dec 30th
Box with light 8 serama eggs set Jan 1st
Brinsea Mini Eco 8 orpinton eggs set Jan 4th
LG forced air 4 Bob white eggs set Jan 5th
LG forced air 12 store bought eggs set Jan 5th
LG forced air 3 serama and 15 cortunix quail eggs set Jan 6th

I Think I got a little carried away.
Wow page 30 already , I am not sure I can go back and read all the posts I missed. I just realized I have way to many eggs going on in to many places.
Broody Hen 5 serama eggs set Dec 30th
Box with light 8 serama eggs set Jan 1st
Brinsea Mini Eco 8 orpinton eggs set Jan 4th
LG forced air 4 Bob white eggs set Jan 5th
LG forced air 12 store bought eggs set Jan 5th
LG forced air 3 serama and 15 cortunix quail eggs set Jan 6th

I Think I got a little carried away.
WOW lol i'd say sooo but it probably happens to all of us! Thats awesome you have so many going! And this threads is doing a lot better then some of the other hatch along threads
Alot of us are hatching with eggs that were shipped. There has been alot of talk that shipped eggs need more time to sit so the air cell can heal. Local eggs are ok to turn right away. And shipped eggs people have different veiws but a few of us in this hatchalong are waiting 3-5 days before turning.
Ooooh ok, gotcha. I was worried for a minute.
Thank you
Wow page 30 already , I am not sure I can go back and read all the posts I missed. I just realized I have way to many eggs going on in to many places.
Broody Hen 5 serama eggs set Dec 30th
Box with light 8 serama eggs set Jan 1st
Brinsea Mini Eco 8 orpinton eggs set Jan 4th
LG forced air 4 Bob white eggs set Jan 5th
LG forced air 12 store bought eggs set Jan 5th
LG forced air 3 serama and 15 cortunix quail eggs set Jan 6th

I Think I got a little carried away.
Oh my goodness! I so would not be able to keep track of all that!
Im soooooo tempted to candle an egg and see if I have signs of veining. I need to keep repeating I will not candle... I will not candle... I hope it works. So has anyone started turning yet? And who else has the candling itch?
My eggs were local, so I've been turning them all along - my coolerbator has a pvc frame w/ a handle to the outside so I use that to tilt them one way for some hrs, then the other way - at least 3x /day up to 5 x counting before I go to bed, and poss. once in the middle of the night if I get up so they don't go too long w/o a turn.

As to candling, I'm not too worked up about it this time, since it was nearly useless for me last time. I'm using a duelt 18v flashlight w/ tin foil wrapped around the light part to funnel the light to egg sized. I can only see air cell reliably, esp. in the dark eggs.

Last hatch I drew an outline of the aircell and marked the hatch day across the line that way I could see the progress in size on each egg. I did some eggs on day 7, some on 10 (I didn't do all b/cv it was really cold in the house & I was cooling them & the incubator off too much to do more at one time). I marked a few again on day 11 (of the ones marked on day 7) and them I did them all on day 17 prior to day 18 lockdown (did them after dark the night b/f since my tool isn't great trying to see anything w/ daylight peeking in was pointless and lockdown was at noon).

Ok, now that ya'll have me thinking about it I'm wondering, but I'm gonna be good and not candle til day 7!
How's everyone's eggs doing????
I think mine are doing ok? The temperature in my incubator hasn't even varied a degree, which actually makes me nervous. I know I'm being rediculous. Hatching in the Little Giant is making me nervous as well. I have heard so many differing opinions on them. And lots of success and failures. Then today I was reading the Wyandotte thread and they were discussing how some wyandotte roosters have a hard time "getting the job done." Our main rooster that would have fertilized my eggs is a wyandotte. So I hope some of my eggs are fertilized. Excited and nervous to candle for the first time!

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