Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

Its really hard to tell with some eggs. But a blood ring in a nice white egg looks like a semi circle of red , I have seen viening that looks similar so unless the egg is stinking or its obvious the baby is dead in there or what not I leave them a little longer to make sure . Im not very confedant in my abilities so I probly leave alot of clear or early quiters in for longer then I should but I would rather be safe then sorry as long as there is no weeping or smell , I often move the possible blood rings or quiters a little ways from the rest of the eggs just incase . I would suggest getting a room as dark as possible, even if that means going into a closet or something , What do you use as a candler. ? I put a energy efficant bulb the twirly ones in a lamp like that you use for brooder lamps the silver half bowl type ones I coverd the little holes and such with aluminum foil taped in place then cut a peace of cardboard to fit the circle and cut a small quarter maybe a tad bigger sized hole and then coverd it with aluminium foil and tapped it all the way around the edges to the lamp , it makes a pretty powerfull if a bit akward candler. I also use a small LED flash light that takes 3 aaa batteries , I have rechargables becuae it gets unnoticablly but definatly dimmer with each use so I change the batteries every other tiime I candle with it. I found with my brown pourus eggs the other set up worked better though.
Sorry if I didnt hanser your question


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So i just wanted to update everyone on my eggs. If you can all remember, i had eggs shipped in. It took 5 days to arrive at my house and the mailman left my eggs on the concrete floor of my garage which was very cold (winter here). Last night when i broke down and candled my eggs i didn't see anything. They are Welsummer eggs, so they are very dark so i will give them a few more weeks. To make things worse i had three eggs explode in my bator. The temp is holding steady at 101 degrees (i have a still air LG). Does anyone have advice?
It sounds like they may have gotten too cold after all which could have caused hairline cracks to form in the shells that you didn't see at 1st. I would be very careful with the remaining eggs & monitor them for leaks & odor several times daily.
I am so sorry. I didn't think they would explode so soon. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me will read and help. I don't have Welsummers but I do have pure BCM I could give you. I'm planning on separating the EE rooster from the rest as soon as the turkeys go (any day, any day). I think I have to have them tested before I can share but that wouldn't be a problem. Let me know if I can help. I had wanted Barnevelders and Welsummers but read that Barnevelder's aren't so good in the cold. Let me know if I can help. Sue. (Again, so sorry)
Eggs can explode at any time. I had turkey eggs I got from a friend at the end of summer & he left them in the car while he went in to eat lunch. I set them that same evening & when I went to turn the other eggs that were in the same bator the next morning I found a turkey egg had cracked completely around 1 end & was leaking all over my bator. 2 days later another one began leaking. All together, from 11 eggs, 1 had 4 leakers before lockdown & only 1 egg developed. The 1 that developed never hatched. They had gotten too hot & had instantly spoiled.
Gabby, I have 1 of your Serama trying to hatch!!! It's late & I swore it had quit, but I left it in the bator & it pipped on the small end earlier tonight. I chipped a little shell away & moistened the membrane to make sure it was breathing & stuck it back in the bator. Now we wait. It still has 2 friends in there who haven't pipped yet.
Hi! Sorry to ask this here but I am hoping they since you all are "winter hatchers/setters" you might have an answer for me:)
When it is cold, I am in Colorado so sometimes very cold, how long after the eggs are laid would they still be viable to set for hatching? If they are in to coop for a couple of hours would that essentially kill any chance at development! I know that they need to be collected as soon as possible and obviously freezing would be an issue I'm just curious if Anyone has had successful experience collecting and hatching in a cold climates during winter months:)
Hi! Sorry to ask this here but I am hoping they since you all are "winter hatchers/setters" you might have an answer for me:)
When it is cold, I am in Colorado so sometimes very cold, how long after the eggs are laid would they still be viable to set for hatching? If they are in to coop for a couple of hours would that essentially kill any chance at development! I know that they need to be collected as soon as possible and obviously freezing would be an issue I'm just curious if Anyone has had successful experience collecting and hatching in a cold climates during winter months:)
All 48 of my eggs were laid the week we had 6 inches of snow here & temps in the teens. All but maybe 3-4 are showing development. It really depends on how warm your coop is. If your birds are spending a lot of time huddled inside for warmth then the temps inside will be raised by their body heat. If you collect 3-4 times per day you will have better chances with the eggs because they won't have been exposed to the cold for as long.
Candled again tonight as I was turning and had a definite blood ring on a previously growing chick. I watched for anything and nothing...the ring was blaring red. I cracked the egg to inspect and there was definitely an embryo. :(. Wonder if I jumped the gun and should have waited. The ring had not previously been there and was very pronounced. On a good note I have some very lively embryos still going strong! Fingers crossed I don't lose any more.
Its really hard to tell with some eggs. But a blood ring in a nice white egg looks like a semi circle of red , I have seen viening that looks similar so unless the egg is stinking or its obvious the baby is dead in there or what not I leave them a little longer to make sure . Im not very confedant in my abilities so I probly leave alot of clear or early quiters in for longer then I should but I would rather be safe then sorry as long as there is no weeping or smell , I often move the possible blood rings or quiters a little ways from the rest of the eggs just incase . I would suggest getting a room as dark as possible, even if that means going into a closet or something , What do you use as a candler. ? I put a energy efficant bulb the twirly ones in a lamp like that you use for brooder lamps the silver half bowl type ones I coverd the little holes and such with aluminum foil taped in place then cut a peace of cardboard to fit the circle and cut a small quarter maybe a tad bigger sized hole and then coverd it with aluminium foil and tapped it all the way around the edges to the lamp , it makes a pretty powerfull if a bit akward candler. I also use a small LED flash light that takes 3 aaa batteries , I have rechargables becuae it gets unnoticablly but definatly dimmer with each use so I change the batteries every other tiime I candle with it. I found with my brown pourus eggs the other set up worked better though.
Sorry if I didnt hanser your question


Yes you did answer my questions and thank you for the pictures. They were very helpful.
Well, we candled all of the eggs tonight, camera takes too long to focus for pics in the coop... but so far we can easily see veins and dark spots in the lighter brown ones, and in the darker eggs we can see a dark area (has progressed since first viewing a few days ago in two we had previously looked at). So fingers crossed that they are developing also.

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