Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

Yes I know the feeling, it really is hard to believe that we are already halfway to chicks!
Very exciting. Tonight while turning and candling I went ahead and removed the three that looked like they weren't developing. Cracked them open, they were infertile it looked like, no blood and no veins just messy yolk. The other fifteen still look good I think. Some are getting way to dark to see anything though
But I hope that's a good thing. I also cracked and went for the sale from Ideal poultry and bought 20 Pekin Ducklings ... Will be our first time with ducks so it'll be interesting! They'll be shipped on the 23rd and will be getting here around the time my eggs go into lockdown.
I have found the best way to brood ducks is on wire. If you put them in where you have to have bedding you will get nothing done except changing bedding every time you turn around. I have a stack cage for puppies that has the nice deep plastic pans under each cage. Duckies go in there so all I have to do is dump the pans about every 2 days. Ducks will dump & splash any water you give them. Also, they poop A LOT!!! You would never think so much poop could come from something so little. Ducks need to be able to dunk their entire head in the water, but not their bodies unless you are letting them swim (not a good idea to leave this option available all the time). This lets them clean their nasal passages & helps them swallow their food. Never feed ducks without water. They can choke very easily, especially as babies. A chick waterer will work for the first few days, but as they grow you will need a deeper container to allow them to get their heads in. For 20 ducklings you could use about 4 cottage cheese containers or butter bowls WITH lids for a couple weeks. You may need to start with shorter bowls like chip dip containers. Cut a hole in the lid that allows the head in without rubbing but not the body (holes will need to be enlarged as they grow). Fill containers about 3/4 full of water to allow them access to water without being able to climb in & dump it all. After they get tall enough, 1 gallon buckets work well for several more weeks until they are feathered enough to head outside. Flock Raiser or All-Flock type feed is best. Do NOT feed medicated feed as it will make the ducklings sick. Many people say to add niacin to duckling's feed, but if you use something formulated for ducks like the Flock Raiser or All-Flock it's not necessary. This same feed can also be fed to chicks & even adult birds. You can add a little grit or sand to the feed after the 1st few days & allow them to nibble fresh or frozen veggies diced up small for younger ducks & graduating to whole as they grow. They love diving for veggies in their water at bath time. Ducklings shouldn't be allowed to swim unsupervised until about 3 weeks old because their oil glands are not developed enough to keep them from getting waterlogged & tired babies sink quickly.
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I decided to candle my "questionable" eggs today (day 10). Of the 3 I thought have blood rings, all three were fertile and developing! Unfortunately, I dropped one while candleing it :(. I felt so bad. It was the first one I candled and at first I thought to myself, "Oh, well it was probably dead anyway." Then I opened up the cracked egg and there was a tiny little chick staring up at me. Poor little fella. Me and my clumsy hands.
I decided to candle my "questionable" eggs today (day 10). Of the 3 I thought have blood rings, all three were fertile and developing! Unfortunately, I dropped one while candleing it :(. I felt so bad. It was the first one I candled and at first I thought to myself, "Oh, well it was probably dead anyway." Then I opened up the cracked egg and there was a tiny little chick staring up at me. Poor little fella. Me and my clumsy hands.
I'm so sorry!

It is so hard to hold onto them sometimes... I am paranoid I am going to hurt them...
I'm so sorry!

It is so hard to hold onto them sometimes... I am paranoid I am going to hurt them...
Main reason I rarely candle. I've dropped too many. My batch due the 28th won't get candled again until lockdown & then only to remove obvious quitters. I'll candle the batch due the 5th the end of next week & then probably not again until lockdown. I rarely candle more than twice unless I have late hatchers.
Well we candled all 16 of our eggs and we got pretty good results!

of our 10 Marans we saw 3 with a lot of movement, a couple with small movement. All of them but one have gotten larger air sacs and larger dark masses since we candled on day 6. There was only one that it didn't look like anything was happening so 9/10 for our marans are good eggs.

We have a staggered hatching so we have 6 that are at day 4 so we decided to candle them just to see what was going on because some of them had funny air sacs but all the air sacs looked good when we candled and we already saw development of veins it was awesome! Our first batch we tried in december were easter eggers so they were hard to see and our marans are hard to see but now these 6 are either white or light brown its amazing what a difference we can see with the candling!

So overall results:

9/10 marans are good
5/6 mystery eggs are good (still early so maybe we can get the other one to start!

Half way there for our Marans!!!
I have found the best way to brood ducks is on wire. If you put them in where you have to have bedding you will get nothing done except changing bedding every time you turn around. I have a stack cage for puppies that has the nice deep plastic pans under each cage. Duckies go in there so all I have to do is dump the pans about every 2 days. Ducks will dump & splash any water you give them. Also, they poop A LOT!!! You would never think so much poop could come from something so little. Ducks need to be able to dunk their entire head in the water, but not their bodies unless you are letting them swim (not a good idea to leave this option available all the time). This lets them clean their nasal passages & helps them swallow their food. Never feed ducks without water. They can choke very easily, especially as babies. A chick waterer will work for the first few days, but as they grow you will need a deeper container to allow them to get their heads in. For 20 ducklings you could use about 4 cottage cheese containers or butter bowls WITH lids for a couple weeks. You may need to start with shorter bowls like chip dip containers. Cut a hole in the lid that allows the head in without rubbing but not the body (holes will need to be enlarged as they grow). Fill containers about 3/4 full of water to allow them access to water without being able to climb in & dump it all. After they get tall enough, 1 gallon buckets work well for several more weeks until they are feathered enough to head outside. Flock Raiser or All-Flock type feed is best. Do NOT feed medicated feed as it will make the ducklings sick. Many people say to add niacin to duckling's feed, but if you use something formulated for ducks like the Flock Raiser or All-Flock it's not necessary. This same feed can also be fed to chicks & even adult birds. You can add a little grit or sand to the feed after the 1st few days & allow them to nibble fresh or frozen veggies diced up small for younger ducks & graduating to whole as they grow. They love diving for veggies in their water at bath time. Ducklings shouldn't be allowed to swim unsupervised until about 3 weeks old because their oil glands are not developed enough to keep them from getting waterlogged & tired babies sink quickly.

Oh wow, thank you very much. I didn't know this... I have some work to do lol
I decided to candle my "questionable" eggs today (day 10). Of the 3 I thought have blood rings, all three were fertile and developing! Unfortunately, I dropped one while candleing it :(. I felt so bad. It was the first one I candled and at first I thought to myself, "Oh, well it was probably dead anyway." Then I opened up the cracked egg and there was a tiny little chick staring up at me. Poor little fella. Me and my clumsy hands.
Sorry that happened.
I've had several start slipping unexpectedly and come really close to dropping sometimes it just happens : (
When my bator crashed to the floor I was sure it killed them all, until I unplugged the fan & heard the 1st peep ever,
& later an egg I wrote as dead on day 17 hatched before my startled eyes (it was silent and not pipped 2 hrs prior),
so now I've all but given up trying to guess at least on other than white eggs, I'm going w/ if there is _any_ remote chance it is alive just go w/ it.
They are fragile little things these eggs, yet oddly resilient also.
Sorry that happened.
I've had several start slipping unexpectedly and come really close to dropping sometimes it just happens : (
When my bator crashed to the floor I was sure it killed them all, until I unplugged the fan & heard the 1st peep ever,
& later an egg I wrote as dead on day 17 hatched before my startled eyes (it was silent and not pipped 2 hrs prior),
so now I've all but given up trying to guess at least on other than white eggs, I'm going w/ if there is _any_ remote chance it is alive just go w/ it.
They are fragile little things these eggs, yet oddly resilient also.
The only 2 eggs I had hatch from my last batch were both ones that I had at 1 point in time or another marked as either bloodrings or quitters. Luckily I left them in the bator. All of the ones I had marked as good all along didn't make it. Most were backwards. I think I had low humidity during the 1st 18 days & air cells got too big so they couldn't turn to the air cells. Both that did hatch were assisted because they pipped the wrong end.

And here they are!!! The black is from my Brown Red OEGB trio & the white that likes to sleep with both legs in the air is a Serama from Gabrielle. Silly Serama

Incubator says 9 days left. Candled all mine again this morning.. #3 definitely isn't developing. It was super porous. Cracked it open for science and it had an itty bitty embryo and a blood ring. The rest seem to be doing great and moving around and getting bigger. :)

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