Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

Excellent, that's just what I have in mind for them. I'm thinking of putting a very low little fence around my veggies and herding them in from time to time to help me keep the place picked up....hehehe. I love watching these little guys move. It'll also be great trying my hand at hatching them out. (I have to say this hatching thing is addictive!)
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Excellent, that's just what I have in mind for them. I'm thinking of putting a very low little fence around my veggies and herding them in from time to time to help me keep the place picked up....hehehe. I love watching these little guys move. It'll also be great trying my hand at hatching them out. (I have to say this hatching this is addictive!)
You're hooked!!!
We did an inspection of the eggs this morning and a couple had some seeping so we pulled those. One broke in my hand as I was pulling it and managed to get all over the incubator. I put a couple others in the candle and not sure why as I just saw the same large dark masses, but will check them all at Day 14 and 18 and see what happens. Still heartbroken. We moved the incubator up higher so its not right at eye level and oh so tempting.

Conchis- we are also hooked! We already plan to get more eggs. I had originally planned to stick with one breed, but I love all the colors y'alls eggs are!
Ohhhhh, I should not have opened this thread... I really want to get some eggs in the bator and hatch some babies! Now I just need to find the eggs... I don't have any I want to hatch at the moment...
Im also planning another batch shortly after these hatch out. I have a rotation going on. I have the small brooder in the bathroom can hold them until 3-4 weeks of age then the big brooder in the garage can hold them until 8-9weeks of age and then a grow out pen outside to house them untill they get sold, move into a permenant coop, or go to freezer camp. I have a batch of chicks in my bathroom brooder moving out to the garage this weekend to make room for the new ones thatll hatch in 8 days. So as long as I keep up a rotation I think I can feed my addiction. hopefully I dont get overrun with poultry
. My husband makes fun of me and says im like a crazy cat lady only with chickens.
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So happy to hear of everyone's eggs moving right along. I am down to 7/10 now and so far most look good, as far as I can tell. The dark masses have gotten so big I can't really see anything but that and the air sac. So, pretty sure it going to be wait and see from this point.

Now I gave a slight delima...I had ordered eggs to be shipped and well, they will be here tomorrow. I have read to either let the eggs sit a day or two or put them in the bator in an egg carton and do not turn for 2 to 3 days...is that right and is there anything else I need to know or do w shipped eggs? My delima though is, I only have one bator and will be on days 12, 13, and 14 with the ones I have in there. Advice please? Oh and one other question, can I put a paper towel or paper plate under the eggs when I go into lock down to try and save some of the clean up, from hatching or is that not advisable?
Down to 3 out of 6. 2 green and 1 brown remain. My incubator was in the kitchen and stayed stable for a week but then the temperature started fluctuating. I moved it to the living room. We'll see if anything hatches. I candled on Thursday. I could see the eye in the brown one and the green ones looked full. I didn't see any movement.

I haven't decided if I should get more eggs to hatch this weekend or next. I only have the one incubator.

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