Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

Just eggtopsied 3rd egg. Looked normal. For whatever reason, it died with head to the side under wing. This would have been the proper position before the last push to break thru the air cell. No wonder it didn't pip. Still, it's good to know these things & I'm pretty proud of my 75% hatch rate! With a still air LG & staggered hatch & being a newb!

I have 6 healthy, beautiful chicks! Will post pics for Monday!
That's so great! 75% with still air and a staggered hatch is fantastic! I almost never had hatches that successful when I was using my Hovabator.

This was my first hatch with my Brinsea, and I hatched 90% of the eggs that made it to lockdown. This doesn't count all the eggs that were clear and never made it to lockdown, but still. That beats my previous record! I love this incubator.
Well today is officially day 21 for our maran eggs and nothing has happened.. we think we may of had a couple wobbling yesterday but it could just be our eyes playing tricks on us. Really hoping for SOMETHING soon!
Congrats to everyone who has new peeps, and sending lots of good energy and power of patience to those still waiting. I have a pip in one of my two little Serama eggs! Mine are from a young pair I hatched in July, so these are special...my first "homebred" chicks and the first to make it this far for their parents :D Go little peep!!!
I can't wait till we are hatching some of our own later this year!! Sending good vibes your way on the Serema babies!
I have one of 6 that's hatched. Two others have pipped (about 10 hours ago) and have done next to nothing since. 3 others are just sitting there staring at me. (sigh)....I hate waiting.
I woke up this morn to 7 babies total and one pip. So not too bad though I do have 19 eggs in the incubator Fingers crossed I get a few more
Glad you are seeing progress!! Hoping more come through for you too!

Well today is officially day 21 for our maran eggs and nothing has happened.. we think we may of had a couple wobbling yesterday but it could just be our eyes playing tricks on us. Really hoping for SOMETHING soon!
Remind me never to set Marans eggs! I thought it was bad having to wait 20 or 21 days to see something! Another 2 or 3 would have ran the bourbon bottle dry!!!

Keep up the good vibes! It will happen!
Well, my chick that pipped late on the 20th day, finally FINALLY hatched a FULL twenty-five and a half hours later! I have learned to sit on my hands and not mess with the chicks, it never goes well. If I had helped this guy I'm sure I would have killed him.

So far I have no other movement or pips from the remaining 8 or so eggs.

I really cant wait for the incu kit to arrive.

Here's hoping for those who have had no hatches yet
Thanks Brooster! I thought about getting a Brinsea, but couldn't find a dealer in my region. I ordered a Hovabator Genesis (updated in 2012) with egg tray when I ordered my spring chicks. It says all you have to do is plug in, add water, then eggs, and you're done! I enjoyed this experience, but could get used to doing a little less work!

Yeah, getting more chicks, lol! :)

Best of luck to all of you! May all your eggs hatch & be happy & healthy!
Well today is officially day 21 for our maran eggs and nothing has happened.. we think we may of had a couple wobbling yesterday but it could just be our eyes playing tricks on us. Really hoping for SOMETHING soon!

Same here, Day 21 , marans, no action.
except that I woke up to bator temp. spike to 104 :(
I don't think the entire bator was that hot, I think it was just the digital unit getting hot, the other 2 thermometers which are tiny and
hard to read when sleepy were lower than 104 so I'm really trying not to stress. But I have no idea why the temp when up,
it was holding steady from 10p-12:15 when I went to bed, the house stayed the same and I had the cats & dogs locked out of the bator room. I'm really frustraighted, yes it is a home made cooler bator, but I don't understand why the temp jumps around all the time, there just does not appear to be anything to explain it. The only 2 things I can imagine at this point would be (1) the vibration of the computer fan is translating through the cooler wall to the dimmer switch that controlls the light bulb and over several hours jiggles it just enough to cause a temp change or (2) our crappy rural electrical service, which sometimes does midl brownouts & surges is causing the bulb to vary temp. -- both of these feel really far fetched to me, but _something_ is causing a temp flux..??

Also, some of you may recall at the start of this thread I noted our fridge went out. We just got an auto call about replacement delivery & They Had The Wrong Delivery Address!! This keeps happening, (packages & mail go missing) & we finally know why:
Our part of the street is just the street name, farther down the road splits & those are street-name "east" & "west". Apparently ALL the electronic auto fill address systems, like google maps are AUTO FILLING "EAST" into our Address, b/c there IS one w/ the same street # as our place. I'm sooo frustraighted. (The ppl who live at that address have criminal histories, so when our stuff gets delivered there it is gone for good -- they say they never got it, the delivery ppl say we delivered as addressed, not our problem.) I can't figure out any way to fix this problem -- I want to buy some hatching eggs of certain breeds this spring, but I'm afraid they will get sent to that other house. I have no idea what to do...
Same here, Day 21 , marans, no action.
except that I woke up to bator temp. spike to 104 :(
I don't think the entire bator was that hot, I think it was just the digital unit getting hot, the other 2 thermometers which are tiny and
hard to read when sleepy were lower than 104 so I'm really trying not to stress. But I have no idea why the temp when up,
it was holding steady from 10p-12:15 when I went to bed, the house stayed the same and I had the cats & dogs locked out of the bator room. I'm really frustraighted, yes it is a home made cooler bator, but I don't understand why the temp jumps around all the time, there just does not appear to be anything to explain it. The only 2 things I can imagine at this point would be (1) the vibration of the computer fan is translating through the cooler wall to the dimmer switch that controlls the light bulb and over several hours jiggles it just enough to cause a temp change or (2) our crappy rural electrical service, which sometimes does midl brownouts & surges is causing the bulb to vary temp. -- both of these feel really far fetched to me, but _something_ is causing a temp flux..??

Also, some of you may recall at the start of this thread I noted our fridge went out. We just got an auto call about replacement delivery & They Had The Wrong Delivery Address!! This keeps happening, (packages & mail go missing) & we finally know why:
Our part of the street is just the street name, farther down the road splits & those are street-name "east" & "west". Apparently ALL the electronic auto fill address systems, like google maps are AUTO FILLING "EAST" into our Address, b/c there IS one w/ the same street # as our place. I'm sooo frustraighted. (The ppl who live at that address have criminal histories, so when our stuff gets delivered there it is gone for good -- they say they never got it, the delivery ppl say we delivered as addressed, not our problem.) I can't figure out any way to fix this problem -- I want to buy some hatching eggs of certain breeds this spring, but I'm afraid they will get sent to that other house. I have no idea what to do...
That sounds like an awful situation. But as for the shipped eggs all you have to do is tell the sender to write please hold for pick up on the box with your phone num also and when the package reaches your PO they will call you and you just need to go pick it up. That what I did.
That sounds like an awful situation. But as for the shipped eggs all you have to do is tell the sender to write please hold for pick up on the box with your phone num also and when the package reaches your PO they will call you and you just need to go pick it up. That what I did.
x2. I always do this. My mailman is rough on egg boxes!

Or have them sent to a work or friend's address.
Same here, Day 21 , marans, no action.
except that I woke up to bator temp. spike to 104 :(
I don't think the entire bator was that hot, I think it was just the digital unit getting hot, the other 2 thermometers which are tiny and
hard to read when sleepy were lower than 104 so I'm really trying not to stress. But I have no idea why the temp when up,
it was holding steady from 10p-12:15 when I went to bed, the house stayed the same and I had the cats & dogs locked out of the bator room. I'm really frustraighted, yes it is a home made cooler bator, but I don't understand why the temp jumps around all the time, there just does not appear to be anything to explain it. The only 2 things I can imagine at this point would be (1) the vibration of the computer fan is translating through the cooler wall to the dimmer switch that controlls the light bulb and over several hours jiggles it just enough to cause a temp change or (2) our crappy rural electrical service, which sometimes does midl brownouts & surges is causing the bulb to vary temp. -- both of these feel really far fetched to me, but _something_ is causing a temp flux..??

Also, some of you may recall at the start of this thread I noted our fridge went out. We just got an auto call about replacement delivery & They Had The Wrong Delivery Address!! This keeps happening, (packages & mail go missing) & we finally know why:
Our part of the street is just the street name, farther down the road splits & those are street-name "east" & "west". Apparently ALL the electronic auto fill address systems, like google maps are AUTO FILLING "EAST" into our Address, b/c there IS one w/ the same street # as our place. I'm sooo frustraighted. (The ppl who live at that address have criminal histories, so when our stuff gets delivered there it is gone for good -- they say they never got it, the delivery ppl say we delivered as addressed, not our problem.) I can't figure out any way to fix this problem -- I want to buy some hatching eggs of certain breeds this spring, but I'm afraid they will get sent to that other house. I have no idea what to do...
We had tried to hatch some easter eggers around christmas time and it was our first time ever trying to hatch eggs and we had made our own incubator using the cooler also...and we had some major problems with it. The first couple days it was great but then it just went downhill from there and we could never keep a constant temperature or humidity. One morning we woke up to a temp of 106 and we had no idea how long it had lasted and we are pretty sure that is why we didn't get any eggs to hatch. although there were other reasons too but that definitely being the main reason. So this time around we decided to go buy an incubator because we really wanted to get something this time and it was just too hard to constantly watch the homemade one. We still have our homemade one we actually have our eggs that are due to hatch next weekend in there until our maran eggs hatch out of our LG incubator. We have monitored it closely and i think we finally have mastered a way to keep the temp pretty consistent. Humidity is another story though. We are using a very low watt light bulb and we have poked many many holes in the sides and most importantly we poked three holes on the lid right about where the light bulb is and that has helped SO much it seems to be the way that we keep it at a stable temperature. and if it starts to drop just the slightest bit we patch up a hole. and then too warm and we take the tape off the hole. we definitely had to play with it a lot before the eggs went in something we couldn't do with our first eggs because it was kinda put together last minute.

I hope your baby chicks are okay and that you have no more temp spikes!!
Remind me never to set Marans eggs! I thought it was bad having to wait 20 or 21 days to see something! Another 2 or 3 would have ran the bourbon bottle dry!!!

Keep up the good vibes! It will happen!
these eggs are definitely testing our patience!! I don't know how i'm functioning right now and not going crazy! LOL! me and my fiancee both were tossing and turning all night last night thinking about our baby chicks! Really hoping that something happens today because we both start classes again tomorrow and if nothing has happened we will definitely be going nuts. I don't think i will be able to sit in a class all day...i will be driving myself insane thinking about our eggs.

PLEASE something happen!!!!

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