Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of February 8th!! Who's joining me?

Just set 20 RIR eggs on middle shelf. We'll see in a few days if they start growing.
Mine are going in on Friday! Can't wait! I think I might throw in some duck eggs too, just for fun.
I'm going to set eggs on the 8th, I posted a thread about it but didn't see this on first. I've got some of EE eggs ready to go in. I have two roos with them. A Naked neck and an EE roo. I'll be anxious to see who is top roo around here. The turken will throw all Naked Necks. I have 6 EE eggs so far and I hope to have at least 10 by Friday. If not I may not set until Sat or Sun.
My eggs got here! Three were pulverized, but the seller sent extras. One had an 'impact' crack and little hairline cracks running off of it all down one side. I decided I'd give it a chance and I patched it with nail polish. If it actually develops and hatches, I think I'll name the little thing Miracle and let it hang around :) All in all, I have 22 perfect buff orpington eggs, the one that I patched, and I'll be tossing in some 'just for fun' eggs, because why not? And one duck egg, I think, to see what it does.

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