HATCH COMPLETE! I have 15 beautiful Delaware chicks.

i am confused! but it could be because i whacked my head REALLY hard getting into the truck today. i have a lovely goose egg working on my forehead!

are there some marked not for hatching and some for hatching or am i just suffering a concussion???

i think i am going to pay to send some eggs to crazychicken!
Cool! Our chicks will only be 4 days apart...if they hatch on time! lol

Shall we schedule playdates now?

uh, yeah! i thought that was a given. they can hang out while we bbq meaties!
Oh sorry that you whacked your head!! You really had a bad day yesterday, didn't you!

You won't be confused, there is only one egg that isn't for hatching, you can try it if you wish, but don't think it will make it. It is on the very top, you won't miss it.
Call me when you get it, were you able to get my number before we got disconected yesterday?

And Shelleyb1969- I got your message yesterday, and that was absolutly NO problem. Thanks!
i must be stupid from whacking my head, because i have your number from the thread here!

and yes, it was a bad day, but guess what? today is a new day!

eggs are coming! YEAH!!!!!!!!!

thanks csibb for the hug. i so needed it!
i am confused! but it could be because i whacked my head REALLY hard getting into the truck today. i have a lovely goose egg working on my forehead!

are there some marked not for hatching and some for hatching or am i just suffering a concussion???

i think i am going to pay to send some eggs to crazychicken!

no don't do that well wait no bad me bad me get those thoughts of hatching out of your head bad crazy c bad

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Well, I've GOT to get a better egg candler!

My homemade candler just wasn't strong enough to see clearly into the pure Delaware eggs. So I'll candle them again on Saturday night and I should be able to see some strong veining by then.

But great news too!...the 5 Delaware/Leghorn cross eggs all have embryos!

Since those eggs are white, I could see everything very clearly. I'm soooooo excited, and I know when I candle the others, my joy will be compounded!

Thanks csibb!
i did a very bad thing very bad. i turned the incubator on.
i should not have done it but i want to hatch chicks so bad .

bad addiction bad i really got to get this thing under control before i get some eggs.

bad me bad me bad me bad
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Oh that is good news Shelleyb1969
I have to re-mark all my leghorn crosses tomorrow! the green marker is starting to wear off! They are growing like crazy, and finding out they better feather out sooner then later, Next week is supposed to bitter cold, looking at highs in the lower 20's Yowza! (they are under 3 heat lamps).
Good luck, I'll keep checking for new posts.

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