hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????

aww... that is horrible. i have a basett hound that used to chase the chickens but i fixed that problem. after I shot her 2 times with the b.b. gun while chasing the chickens ( didn't pump it up enough to hurt her, just 3 pumps, enough to ating her ) she decided she doesn't like to chase the chickens anymore. PROBLEM SOLVED!!!
We were mad but not really mad at him. He was just doing what he does. He was in his fenced area, and Gandalf flew over a 6 ft. fence in his area. It was just a tragedy of events. We have a few solutions in mind so that doesn't happen again. We may wire the fence, or maybe try a collar on him.

Our birds free range so we expect to lose a few from time to time. It's the risk we run. At least Gandalf left us a few of his eggs, so he'll be around in spirit

I'm expecting my first hatch right about that time. Really excited! One thing I wonder about, though. I didn't refrigerate my eggs. They stayed inside my 78 degree house. Saved eggs for three days. Will they hatch on different days or does incubation start the day the temp is constant at 100?
I understand about Gandalf and the Dog. We too own dogs and chickens. My inlaws have previously rescued black lab mixes. They have now gotten to a point where their health won't allow them to continue to rescue large dogs, but we know that since our chickens free range that there will be losses.

Our chicken coop is inside the fenced in goat pasture but some of the chickens like to see what's on the other side. If they decide to run for it instead of flying back inside the fence the dogs will get them. We have been able to train my dog to leave the chickens alone (by throwing him in the pond whenever he doesn't, he's a terrier and doesn't like to swim) but the labs we can't break of the habit.

The dogs are 6 and 7 years old and once they are gone, we are finished with large breed dogs. Hopefully we'll be able to keep the smaller ones from the chickens.

I'm just so happy that maybe Sarah will have a bit of her wizard to keep her company again in a few months. Maybe he'll be white?

yea i can understand the roo flew the fence so you can't really blame the dog. My RIR Roo broke my moms nonsense from chasing chickens... lol... she only did it 1 time and my roo (Chase) didn't run from her he turned around and attacked her.. didn't hurt her tho. now everytime she gets within 10 ft of him he jumps at her like he is going to attack and she runs away yelping...lol it's like the roo thinks it's a game. lol i can't help but laugh everytime it happens which is about 3 times a day. he does the same thing to people if they aren't looking and when they turn round he is acting like nothing ever happened. he has to think it's a game because he never really attacks just acts like he is fixing to. has only REALLY attacked that 1 time.
Yeah, maybe he will be white.
We will know soon enough

For Julie_A... You should be ok with the eggs. Some of mine were refrigerated. They seem to have developed as normally as the others that weren't. Some of the eggs we put it were a little older too. We weren't expecting to hatch eggs, so the conditions they were kept weren't optimal. They seem just fine though.

This has been a learning experience for me. I've been keeping careful notes so the next time, I know what works and what doesn't. Our friend ( Opa, bycer too) let us borrow a hovabator. I've come to the conclusion that when we buy our first incubator, it will be one of those. It really was kind of plug and play.

I have chicks in the incubator due to hatch around the same time; I'll be watching to see how yours turn out!

So sorry about your beautiful rooster! Let us know what comes from his last eggs!
Good Luck Julie!
and I sure will. I haven't posted pics of candled eggs because my DH is out of town, and I was too nervous I'd drop an egg while trying to take a picture.

He should be back in town shortly, and get to witness the eggs hatching.

is everyone gonna post pics of their babies when they hatch? i wish i could post some of mine when they get here but i can't post them with my cell. if someone wants to post them for me tho i can always send them email with my phone and someone else upload them. i love seeing pics of newly hatched chicks so yall please post your pics.

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