hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????


YAY!!!!! congrats on your pips... remember we want pics of babies....lol.

I bet you were sooooo embarassed. i have 4 kids and the oldest one just turned 8 in july. he wasnt too bad about embarassing me. my oldest daughter was bad about using 4 letter words and growling at people when she was younger. and the other 2 are pretty quiet laid back and shy so they dont' embarass me either. my kids are 8, 5, 4 and 2. how many do you have?
The hole in the blue egg is much bigger, and we can see her/his beak moving around. I haven't seen anything yet in the other eggs. I also can't see every angle of the other eggs, so it's possible there might be a pip. We have 15 eggs in there. All the eggs had movement when we locked them down.I'm trying not to worry.

I'm going back upstairs to check in a few moments. I need coffee....

We have a second pip on one of the RIR/EE eggs. The blue egg pip is very large now. I can see what color the little fella is, and looks like he/she is breathing no problem.

The first egg has hatched ( blue egg)! The others are quiet, maybe resting? It's a pretty grey and yellow colored, and currently playing soccer with the other eggs.


I was woken from a deep sleep a little before 4 am to very loud cheeping from the bator (it's in my room). My 1st fluffy was born
A second hatched before I got back up. They are both mostly yellow with some black and strong as can be, they are pecking each other already. I have one more that started zipping and another with a big hole but the membrane is covering it so I can't see.
Congrats! I'm glad you got fuzzies!

I'm still waiting on others. I'm not hearing anysounds yet. I do have a second egg pipped, but no action from that one either. I hope they are ok!

Aww, Laney, what a bittersweet story! Glad you were able to find comfort after your losses.

Congrats on pips and chicks, folks! I too was awakened in the wee morning hours by cheeping, and I had a hard time going back to sleep! This morning I put some hot water bottles in the incubator because it was having a hard time keeping the temps up - the house got cold last night. While I was in there, I took out the three chicks that had hatched and put them in the brooder with the light so they could dry off and not be tripping over eggs! The two frizzled cochins are so cute - one black, one gray above and yellow below. I wonder what that one will turn out to be! Maybe blue?

I also have a turken, or naked neck. I've never seen them before. That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. So ugly it's cute! I went to sleep knowing it was the turken that was pipping first, and dreamed that I fell in love with turkens, much to the befuddlement of my friends and family ...

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