hatching 10/19 - 10/20 ????

I've got an Isa egg pipping now. I hear chirping from more than one egg now. I can see the chick moving around in the Isa egg. Would it take longer to hatch with a bigger egg? Our Isa eggs are pretty big.

You know, some folks believe smaller eggs will hatch sooner than larger ones, but I haven't noticed much of a difference, personally. When they're ready....they're just ready!
There's lots of chirping coming from in there. It sounds like a chorus. The ones out chirp and I can hear some muffled chirps from different sides of the bator. I also noticed the chicks run to the eggs that seem to be chirping. I am also hearing tapping. I guess it's possible I can't see if some of the others have pipped since some are in the corner from being rolled around.

Oh, I hatch in egg cartons, so they don't get bowled around...the chirping is exactly what you want! They do seem to get each other motivated to hatch! My last hatch, one was zipped all the way around, and just had to pop the lid off...and another one already hatched went over & flopped down on top of the egg, so it couldn't get the top off....the chick laid on the other egg for about an hour, and I finally went & started to whistle, and finally got its attention & it got off the egg. Whew! I was worried about that one!
Yeah, I figured I'd put them on their side this time. I'm nervous enough as it is.
Maybe I'll try the egg cartons next time.

I'll be happy to have more than two chicks! Come on little guys come to the light.....

Day 23 here ... I've had 8 healthy chicks and 2 weak ones out of 36 eggs. I'm happy for the ones that hatched, but I'm just sick for the others, because it was the Ameraucanas that I really wanted, and not a one hatched. Should I give up on the others? I've heard no pipping, rocking or chirping from them.
I wonder if yours will look just like thier daddy like mine do
Every last one of them are yellow chipminks with varing amounts of black and white. Some have the black eye liner. Here is my EE roo just before I rehomed him. Her was about 13 weeks old here:


And here he is as a chick:


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