Hatching chick, piped in a diff. spot than the others, leaked a clear yellow fluid, a little blood,A


Apr 3, 2018
Peidmont-ish NC, us
Late last night I had a chick pip in a spot more toward the middle of the eggs than the others, it leaked a clear ish yellow fliud, to ME it dosent look like yolk, a little blood but is still alive! I have read the assisted hatching thread, but am unsure if I SHOULD, I do believe the chick may be malpositioned, I have pulled a little of the egg shell away and dabbed some oil on the membrane, please advise? I do not want to help this chick and it not absorbed its yolk. Let nature take it's its course or help it? I have attatched pictures, the fluid is under the grate. It's peeps seem to be getting a bit weaker. @EggSighted4Life


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You did the right thing by oiling the membrane; try to keep the area moist by doing so, so long as it does not have a negative impact on any other hatchers (don't lift the lid too often, definitely not when another chick is pipping and zipping).

As you can see, it has pipped through the membrane and shell in one go, rather than pipping into the air sac as your other chicks have, therefore it will not have yet absorbed its yolk. You seem to be aware of this, so although it is hard to wait, it's the only real answer at the moment.

Can you tell me what day they're on, and if any of the other little boogers have started to hatch yet?
You did the right thing by oiling the membrane; try to keep the area moist by doing so, so long as it does not have a negative impact on any other hatchers (don't lift the lid too often, definitely not when another chick is pipping and zipping).

As you can see, it has pipped through the membrane and shell in one go, rather than pipping into the air sac as your other chicks have, therefore it will not have yet absorbed its yolk. You seem to be aware of this, so although it is hard to wait, it's the only real answer at the moment.

Can you tell me what day they're on, and if any of the other little boogers have started to hatch yet?
@Sneebsey ,yesterday was day 0 on my incubator countdown and late this afternoon I guess would be -1 LOL, so why would it of not pipped like that? So it didn't pip into the air cell?
There's a few reasons as to why it would have pipped like this; it could have been unable to turn in the egg around to where the air sac is, or it could be that the air sac is malpositioned.

High humidity during incubation would cause an excess amount of fluid in the egg, which you also mention.

It's concerning that you have no other hatchers by this point. The photo of the egg appears to show blood veins in the membrane, which ought to have receded by now. Is it possible that your temperature was low?

Fingers crossed he will be able to make his way out. If you do attempt to extract the chick, do so very slowly and delicately, and leave it for a while yet. Chicks will usually spend a good few hours from internal pip to external pip (remember his is both at once) and up to a full day from external pip to hatch. Make sure that any veins have receded before you intervene any more than moistening the membrane; you don't want him bleeding out.
Late last night I had a chick pip in a spot more toward the middle of the eggs than the others,
Calling in some if the hatchers who might know this stuff... @WVduckchick @pixis (not working) I feel like there are more, will add them if I can remember more... Good info so far.

I would not be pulling shell until I had seen a beak for a good while, going on 24ish hours. If I do open the bator, I usually drape towels that dangle over and keep the humidity from rapidly changing and shrink wrapping others who may have pipped...

@Sneebsy, I'm sorry I forgot to put that, I had 6 others already hatch out, like champs, and one that has pipped normally and working on getting out of the egg now, 4 have done nothing but I'm u sure if they were ever viable because I had difficulty candeling the dark eggs.
@WVduckchick, it pipped mid yesterday, I waited till this afternoon.
@EggSighted4Life , I can see the beak.
I believe If I do assist I will wait till tomarrow or LATE tonight. I'm not sure if I should though. Do the ones helped rarely make it? Likely have deformity s?
Do the ones helped rarely make it? Likely have deformity s?

Nope :) Of all the chicks I have assisted, only three couldn't hatch due to a malformation or something wrong with them. Chances are this guy was just too big to position correctly and is fine.

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