Hatching chick, piped in a diff. spot than the others, leaked a clear yellow fluid, a little blood,A


Apr 3, 2018
Peidmont-ish NC, us
Late last night I had a chick pip in a spot more toward the middle of the eggs than the others, it leaked a clear ish yellow fliud, to ME it dosent look like yolk, a little blood but is still alive! I have read the assisted hatching thread, but am unsure if I SHOULD, I do believe the chick may be malpositioned, I have pulled a little of the egg shell away and dabbed some oil on the membrane, please advise? I do not want to help this chick and it not absorbed its yolk. Let nature take it's its course or help it? I have attatched pictures, the fluid is under the grate. It's peeps seem to be getting a bit weaker. @EggSighted4Life


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Late last night I had a chick pip in a spot more toward the middle of the eggs than the others,
Calling in some if the hatchers who might know this stuff... @WVduckchick @pixis (not working) I feel like there are more, will add them if I can remember more... Good info so far.

I would not be pulling shell until I had seen a beak for a good while, going on 24ish hours. If I do open the bator, I usually drape towels that dangle over and keep the humidity from rapidly changing and shrink wrapping others who may have pipped...

Do the ones helped rarely make it? Likely have deformity s?

Nope :) Of all the chicks I have assisted, only three couldn't hatch due to a malformation or something wrong with them. Chances are this guy was just too big to position correctly and is fine.
@WVduckchick , I waited too long. I checked on it about 3am and it was still peeping and moving so i left it but at 6 30 am it was dead. Lesson learned, don't wait to long.

I'm so sorry. :hugs But so glad that the others are doing well!

When this happens (and it does on occasion) I try to think that it was what was best.... what was meant to be. And as EggSighted said, I've also had all 3 happen. It comes with incubating, and assisting is such a fine line. Even with tons of hatching experience, there will still be some that just don't make it.

On a better note, just for reference, a story about my cream legbars. They were terribly handled shipped eggs, and only 2 made it lockdown. The first one hatched with no problem. I had to leave my house for a few hours while the last one was pipped. I came home to find it had zipped all the way around, but the membrane wasn't completely broken and the chick was still in the egg. It looked so dry and was all brown. I was very close to tears. I said a few choice words, and madly opened the incubator. When I grabbed that egg, it was quiet. With tears welling up, I peeled the air cell end off, and the silly thing peeped at me! I was amazed that it was still alive. She's a happy pullet today! I would definitely have helped much sooner, and possibly done damage, so I like to think it happened the way it should have.
@WVduckchick @EggSighted4Life
Sorry to bother you guys again but how long do you leave eggs in after lockdown till you toss them? I still have a couple in there but there are no external pips or rocking or chirping. I would hate to throw them out and be chicks in them. This evening at 6 pm will be 2 days past day 0. I would candle them but maran eggs are pretty dark. The light cream/whiteish eggs that are BLRW are so easy to candle compared.:barnie
For me personally I would ditch the whole day zero count down thing and make sure you have your calendar marked... start associating with day 21 and such... a power outage can likely kill your countdown timer accuracy.

You aren't a bother... we are all here because we wan't to be and trust me we GET a payoff also or we wouldn't do it. ;)

How long I let things go after day 21 depends on how the incubation itself went.. like if there were power outages or if I didn't move eggs to a new location in the bator daily to combat uneven development, EVEN in my forced air bators temp differences do exist, I will wait longer like until day 25. It also depends on how long since my last pip/hatch.. I'm a hard arss so I often have moved on by day 23... as anything else simply isn't fitting in and survival of the fittest (to a degree) is how I manage my flock to keep it strong. But also, I have RARELY had anything hatch after that... and late hatches have lower viability... seeing the difference that JUST a few hours makes in strength... it's kinda amazing anything survives in nature.

Very dark eggs are difficult, not just brown but blue! :barnie But I can usually manage to make out at least the air cell. So I look into the air cell for any shadows moving... if I see movement in the air cell I wait... If it were my first hatch I would probably wait until about day 25... it's only through knowing my flock and hatch routine that I can now make the earlier calls, confidently.

I would suggest using a plastic baggy to open them in when you do toss them... just to see if you had any development at all... It's taken a good couple years of practice to be able to throw out the earlier quitters.

Also... another thing In have done at this late stage is pierce the air cell end of the egg and see what's going on inside... most often they had previously expired. Only once did I accidentally open an embryo, but was much earlier in incubation and much farther behind in development than others... I knew it looked like it had something going on... I feed my early quitters back to the animals... and there was an eyeball looking at me while I scrambled the eggs! :oops::smack:sick

Water candling doesn't hold much stock to me.

My answer... not before day 23 if inexperienced... and not later than day 26 otherwise... I NEVER had any chicken egg hatch or be viable after that.... The sniff test *can* clue you in... stink is permeable, though I haven't experienced many eggs that actually did rot even if they quit early and stayer for the entire incubation.

Next thing I know... you'll be giving me hatching advice! :lol:
You did the right thing by oiling the membrane; try to keep the area moist by doing so, so long as it does not have a negative impact on any other hatchers (don't lift the lid too often, definitely not when another chick is pipping and zipping).

As you can see, it has pipped through the membrane and shell in one go, rather than pipping into the air sac as your other chicks have, therefore it will not have yet absorbed its yolk. You seem to be aware of this, so although it is hard to wait, it's the only real answer at the moment.

Can you tell me what day they're on, and if any of the other little boogers have started to hatch yet?
@Sneebsy, I'm sorry I forgot to put that, I had 6 others already hatch out, like champs, and one that has pipped normally and working on getting out of the egg now, 4 have done nothing but I'm u sure if they were ever viable because I had difficulty candeling the dark eggs.
@WVduckchick, it pipped mid yesterday, I waited till this afternoon.
@EggSighted4Life , I can see the beak.
I believe If I do assist I will wait till tomarrow or LATE tonight. I'm not sure if I should though. Do the ones helped rarely make it? Likely have deformity s?

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