Hatching Chick Wrong Position HELP!


Nov 26, 2018
Quesnel, BC
Expert advice needed ***

I have a turkey poult obviously in a bad position in the egg :( it has been struggling for 2 days then I intervened.

I took off quite a bit of the shell - looks like a vein ruptured deep inside (i did not get that far)...the chick is alive and still trying to get out. When i was removing shell it was coming off easily.

Humidity is set decent between 75 and 80

Should i remove a bit more of the shell? It is in such an awkward position it cant push.

The pip hole was made in middle of the egg for goodness sakes. Poor little thing. See pic.

oh my dear, its been 2 days since the chick pipped, I read an article on "backyard chickens" that said the chick may need help if - and it pipped wrong end - and its facing the wrong way. Yes I candled and saw some trouble - I have just never seen blood inside before like that. I have intervened before in hatching and have not had a problem. Mind you I am considered a newbie at it, but I definitely have common sense and a steady hand :(
oh my dear, its been 2 days since the chick pipped, I read an article on "backyard chickens" that said the chick may need help if - and it pipped wrong end - and its facing the wrong way. Yes I candled and saw some trouble - I have just never seen blood inside before like that. I have intervened before in hatching and have not had a problem. Mind you I am considered a newbie at it, but I definitely have common sense and a steady hand :(
Still absorbing the yolk so put some coconut oil or Vaseline on the exposed membrane and wait. It has oxygen so just needs time.
Looks like you are doing a good job! Just keep chipping a tiny bit every few hrs. Take it slow, tiny bits. I see blood on the membrane. Leave it a while. Give the baby time to absorb the rest of the yolk and blood. Good luck..I think it will do fine. Has plenty of oxygen now.
If you put some coconut oil or Vaseline on the membrane, it will turn the membrane transparent, and any existing blood vessels will be prominent. As they recede, you'll be able to separate the membrane and chip away more shell so the poult can get out.

And just for info - if they miss the air cell when they pip, it can take longer, because they skipped the step of breathing the air in the air cell, which is commonly 18-24 hours. So still not being ready this long after pip is not abnormal. You're doing great!
oh my goodness thank you! poor little thing :( I have a turkey Poult hatched a few hours ago and its still wet and soggy and struggling, ends up on its back and its leg is twitching out....oh man! poor little things!

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