Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Not chicks or eggs, but . . . The PO missed the memo that there is not any state between Kansas and Missouri.

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3/19/2013 - Tuesday

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5:02 am

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4:59 am
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3/18/2013 - Monday

11:51 pm
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3/17/2013 - Sunday

11:25 pm
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12:00 am
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3/15/2013 - Friday

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3/14/2013 - Thursday

9:33 pm
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3/13/2013 - Wednesday

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3/12/2013 - Tuesday

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3/11/2013 - Monday

11:25 pm
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Do not put your face or hands in line to be bitten if he growls. Use your leg to push him away and then put him in a down. Set a time limit, then release him. Then try again.
Try feeding him out of your cupped hands. Seriously. He needs to know that you are the source of the food. It isn't his food it is your food and you are letting him have it. If your son was old enough I would suggest him also taking turns feeding out of his cupped hands.
13 dogs

That's what is going to have to happen. Well, I actually had been feeding him in the kids bathroom to keep the baby away from him while he is eating, but I leave the door open when the baby is elsewhere preoccupied. No more open door.
I have been suiting in the bathroom with him since it happened. Slowly petting him while he eats. He does get tense. I was wondering if he was to growl at me, if I should take the food away, and continue to pet him, then give it back... Or if he growls to just keep letting him eat just ignore the growl and keep petting him?

I want to take away the food to show a growl is not acceptable, but I am worried that taking it would spark his need to protect it

One of the things a trainer had us do with our dogs was feed them last. They need to understand pack hierarchy and that all other members eat first. Don't feed them at separate times from the family or they will think they eat first which establishes dominance. Our dogs have to first sit and stay while their food is being prepared and put down for them. They are not allowed to approach their food until we give permission. For dogs with problems, you're supposed to make a "show" of eating food from their bowl before you give it to them. This again establishes your dominance. We made the children do the same thing.
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Yep, we went through a spell with my Shar-pei when we first got her. She kept biting our kids but she was tiny just a puppy. It took me just a couple of times following her around and waiting to catch her biting the kids and then I would smack her on the mouth and tell her no and scold her. She stopped abruptly. She is a very smart dog and knows when she has done wrong if you catch her. I have no problems with her nipping at my kids anymore. And she isn't so little anymore. Lol Gotta try and nip it in the butt when they are little.
We have had a few biters. Also chicken eaters, house poopers, waterhose attackers, egg suckers (GSD), and urinaters. When my oldest was little DH had an old as dirt Sharpei, he would tinkle on Heather every chance he got. Drove me nuts! He protected her though.
We had a wolf hybrid that would sleep with Heather. He would not let you in the room once the lights were out. He also let her put funny hats on him, and he could hold bratz dolls between his legs while taking tea like a champ. I have pictures of Heather's tea partys with Bosco and two cats.
We have had a few biters. Also chicken eaters, house poopers, waterhose attackers, egg suckers (GSD), and urinaters. When my oldest was little DH had an old as dirt Sharpei, he would tinkle on Heather every chance he got. Drove me nuts! He protected her though.
We had a wolf hybrid that would sleep with Heather. He would not let you in the room once the lights were out. He also let her put funny hats on him, and he could hold bratz dolls between his legs while taking tea like a champ. I have pictures of Heather's tea partys with Bosco and two cats.

Gotta love the furry family members !
Thanks for all the advice!! I am goig to try my best, and try to get hubby on board!


I went to the feed store today, I knew they where getting broad breasted turkeys in today, an I swear I went to just look. I haven't decided weather I was going to get some just as pets or get royal palms (my husband likes them :eek:) to be able to breed.
The woman who organizes and cares for the chicks that come in was standing there and was telling me about a poult that had leg problems. It had splayed leg. I was telling her how to treat it and she decided just to give it to me! Then she gave me another for it to have company! Yay! Two free turkeys!
:oops: I then of course had to buy one more (bronze) just in case something happened and I couldn't fix the splayed leg, so the other free one (bronze) would have company too.
I just got home and put the hobble on the splayed leg (white) and I am actually optimistic about it. I have never had much luck with hobbles, but since the Turks legs are bigger, I think I got it on well enough to work!!

Three pouts for the price of one!
I do that same thing....me-"Oh! I just want to look!" DH- "MMhm, Yeah...sure you do..." Me- "These will be good for our egg layers." DH- "Angel, they are all egg layers!"


I named her Hwobbles. I am not a huge baby talk person, but I totally sounded like a goon talking to her while I was puttin on the hobbles and it ended up sounding like Hwobbles :oops:
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