Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Woot there it is my 1st SEBBIE egg
:mad: Can somebody get your IP address and use it for themselves even if they don't live close to you.  I am having big problems with someone, can't say who..... but it needs to stop. I was informed by the mods that it was my IP address under the username..... What does that mean, they are using my IP and if so HOW......:smack

oh, i forgot to add they left me negative feedback out of spite too and they never even bought any birds off of me on BYC.... the mods won't remove it.  :duc Now I am ticked and am tired of being harassed and if the mods won't do anything about it then I am done and will just fulfill my swaps.  I can't deal with this, I have 4 little ones and already get stressed enough I don't need this too.

You can also change your IP address. There should be pretty good instructions online if you do a google search. I'm sorry you're having such problems!
CPL, congrats on the first goose egg! are these first year layers for you too? Awesome coop as well.

Just finished brooder round up for the night, 7 goslings, 14 CCL, 2 Light Brahma (test eggs) 8 button quail, and a whole bunch of ducks (Ancona & Silver Appleyards) along with a new test round of EE eggs from the new roo

Now if this darn Emu egg that is rocking and rocking would just hatch already lol
Crystal, I got 6 eggs today.
I'll let you know how they do. Candled them and it looks like a couple have wonky air sacs, but I'm going to set them anyway. Wish me luck!
LUCK! Hope you get at least enough for a breeding trio.

I'm excited because after about 30 eggs, I have my first Basque out and another pipping. Thank you, Mzstre!
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