Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I don't have any other males but I can easily get another male that isn't a problem at all. My big problem is he isn't little and isn't done growing yet. He isn't a pygmy he is a Alpine (dairy goat) he is gonna get a little over 200lbs. Right now he is an easy 60lbs maybe a little bigger. If he knocked me down at that weight I would hate to see what damage he could do once full grown. He isn't playing he is being down right mean. I have a pygmy girls who has her horns and she is a sweet heart if she horns at all it is playing. There is a big differance between the 2 of them and using there horns. I have put 2 bands on at once but it hasn't even put a dent in his horns. Hubby even helped me put a notch in them and it still hasn't worked.
oh, gosh...if he is really going to get that big, I'm not sure if you have a choice. he could really do some serious damage! I guess we have been lucky that all of ours have been so sweet (wethers...)
I just started a Garden/seed swap. Here is the link, please let me know if anything is missing/incorrect/unclear.

Cool! Will check it out!
Thanks, when we get a moment to move her and her troupe I will take pics. She's a good little momma.
I want pics...sounds so adorable!
get a big boar weather to put in with him so he has someone to butt heads with and be a boy with. As mentioned above, band and use multiples if needed to get them to stay put. I have bull dogged our billy to the ground and held him there on his over the top naughty days. I also am a fan of lead rope teathering, keeps them from rearing up and getting their head up to ramp with. One lead rope around their body like a girth on a saddle with a second lead rope going from the first to a halter they are wearing. You only use it when working around them so they dont hung up on anything, but teaches them manors too.

Good luck naughty boys are hard to handle when they get set in their ways
sounds like you have alot more experience than I do. trying to picture the "lead rope tethering"
Ohhh. How's it made?

I have only 3 Ottawa of laundry soap left from 20 some I couponed last year... For the life of me I can't get back into it. Also I have nasty water, and thinking something like this would work better?
Thespoiled chicken's lemon blue cochin eggs shipped today 9505 5110 1149 3077 5558 92

I called the vet today to see if I could get a Baytril tablet for my call duck that may have a sinus infection. I don't need the 100 caplets that you have to purchase online. The crazy receptionist told me I have to get a prescription from the raptor center! Are you kidding me? I'm sick of the medical community (humans and animals) treating people like they're morons. Its not even like I live in the city. This is a farm community. I wonder if the farmers go through all those hoops when they know they need a certain medicine for their livestock.
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I tried the tying (spelling) but the darn boy chewed right through my expensive lead rope.
I have also wrestled him to the ground and sat on him. I also do this to trim there hoofs. Not fun, but I am sure it is a funny picture for my neighboors. Me putting the goats on there back and stradding there bellies to trim there hoofs.

I will try a couple of the methods everyone have suggested. Thanks for all the suggestions.
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