Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I have double barred lemon cuckoo english orps hatching!
boy that's a mouthful! lol
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

It's going to be a busy weekend. Hope you all find some fun time in amongst the chores!

Good morning! I'm heading to a chicken auction.  Does that count as fun time?  I have to get rid of some of the odds and ends and extra roos I have around here.  LOL
Oh yes! A bunch of BYCers claim a corner at our Wicked Chicken Auction, share goodies, chat, sell, and buy. I plan on having lots of auction fun this summer!
G'morning peeps!!!  It's going to be yet another busy weekend here.

Here too! TBall, tattoos and jr poultry judging practice. And some chicken stuff thrown in for good measure. I have Iowa Blues, one lone coronation Sussex and BW Ameraucana hacking this morning too! What a great day!

Hoe you all have a good one!
Here too! TBall, tattoos and jr poultry judging practice. And some chicken stuff thrown in for good measure. I have Iowa Blues, one lone coronation Sussex and BW Ameraucana hacking this morning too! What a great day!

Hoe you all have a good one!
Hacking??? What in the world could they be hacking???
Oh, who is getting a tattoo? I so want to get another one.
Well, I had a surprise visitor last night...my brother in law from overseas just appeared at my door. My mom failed to relay the message he was coming and I just stood there with my mouth hanging open like an idiot. The house was a wreck. I hadn't cleaned in 2 weeks because I've been spending every second building the new coop. (34) 5-week chickens in my dining room, 3 escapees I was chasing around like a crazy person. no clean sheets for the guest bed. he left before I woke up...went to meet the renters of their house. Oy vey. my Sister keeps a PRISTINE house. I am so embarrassed.


But on a good note, I have learned to use the autocorrect to help me with my missing letters... and copy/paste. takes a while, though.
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